Backstage & Backstage 95 By Greg DeBacker Windswept Software 1) Introduction 2) Set Up 3) Comments 1) Introduction Backstage and Backsage 95 are two companion programs used to edit, view and search Windows initialzation (INI) files and the Windows 95 Registry. Backstage will run on both Windows 3.x and Windows 95 while Backstage 95 is designed to only operate on Windows 95. When you run the setup program on Windows 3.x the option to install Backstage 95 will be disabled. Special care should be taken when you are editing and INI files or the registry. The wrong change could make some software or the entire system inoperable. THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SUPPLIED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE BACKSTAGE AND BACKSTAGE 95 AT YOUR OWN RISK. Backstage and Backstage 95 are shareware programs. For information on ordering and pricing see the Registration section in the help file or click on Order Form when the program first loads. CompuServe members can Register on-line. GO SWREG to register. Backstage ID# - 10819 Backstage 95 ID# - 10820 Backstage & Backstage 95 ID# - 10821 2) Set Up Both Backstage and Backstage 95 require VBRUN300.DLL to run. VBRUN300.DLL can be found on just about any commercial on-line service or BBS. It can also be downloaded from my homepage on the World Wide Web. Once you have VBRUN300.DLL copy it to your Windows\System directory. If you are running Windows 3.x chose File|Run from the Program Manager and run the SETUP.EXE program. If you are running Windows 95 click on the Start button and then select Run from the Start menu and run SETUP.EXE. 3) Comments If you have any comments or need help with the setup you can contact me at one of the following addresses. CompuServe - 71042,36 Internet - AOL - GDeBacker (I check this mail box less frequently) Thank you, Greg DeBacker