THelpTopic Help Overview You can learn more about BASEBALL STATISTICS through the on-line help system. Right now you are reading a "Help screen." : Most Help screens have some highlighted items or "keywords" that lead to another Help screen. Use the tab key to move from one keyword item to the next, then press Enter to go to a Help screen describing that item. Or use the mouse to double click on a keyword item to go to the Help screen describing that item. O Additional information is available by selecting one of the following topics: A Help Using Menus Using Dialog Boxes Getting Started THelpTopic How to Use Help You can use the on-line Help system from the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key. Pressing F1 gives a Help screen about the currently active menu command or dialog-box item. This is called context-sensitive Help. S (To view more of this help screen repeatedly press the down cursor or arrow key.) J Context-sensitive Help typically displays in a dialog-style Help window: Close Maximize/Minimize Box Box V V Help scroll bars Help screen V Scrolling Help: Often some of the help text is not visible on one screen. View the remainder of the text by doing one of the following: } 1) Press the cursor (or arrow) keys. 2) Press the Page Up or Page Down keys. 3) Click on a Scroll Bar with the mouse. A help dialog can be enlarged (or made smaller) by using the following methods: 1) Click with the mouse on the Maximize/Minimize Box. 2) Double click with the mouse on the top double line of the help dialog box. 3) Click on the bottom right-hand corner of the help dialog box and hold the mouse button down while moving the mouse. Choosing the Index on the Help Menu gives an alphabetical listing of topics for which help information is available. Double click with the mouse on the desired topic, and the corresponding help information is displayed. Exiting Help: J 1) Use the mouse to click on the Close Box, or 2) Press the Esc key. THelpTopic Using Menus Menus are accessed through the Menu Bar on the top line of the screen. I To select a particular menu from the menu bar use one of these methods: 1) Click with the mouse on the name of the desired menu on the menu bar. 2) Hold down the Alt key and press the first letter of the menu name. For example, to choose the Team Menu click on the word "Team" on the Menu Bar OR hold down the Alt key and press the T key. Once a menu is selected, one of the functions listed under that menu can be selected. To select a particular function on a menu use one of these methods: 1) Click with the mouse on the name of the desired menu function. 2) Press the highlighted letter of the desired menu function. THelpTopic Using Dialog Boxes A dialog box is displayed to request information about a task you are performing. Several different types of items can be present in a dialog box: a Button, a Check Box, a Radio Box, a List Box, or an Input Line. THelpTopic Getting Started Before reading this Help topic on Getting Started, you might find the Help on How Menus or How Dialog Boxes useful. Also, in order to create the most efficient organization of your information, especially if you are going to keep statistics for multiple teams, being familiar with DOS directory structures would be helpful. 0 Follow these steps to get a quick, easy start: 1) Select Add on the Team Menu. Type the name of your team in the Add Team dialog box. Press the tab key and type B for a baseball team or S for a softball team. Press the tab key and enter the number of innings in a standard game. Press the tab key and select the OK button. 2) Select Add on the Game Menu. Type the name of your opponent. Press the Tab key and type the date of the contest. Press the Tab key and select either Home, Away, or Neutral. Press the Tab key and select the type of contest. Select the OK button. 3) Select Add on the Player Menu. Type the first name of a player on your team. Press the Tab key and type the last name of the player. If you wish, enter additional player information including uniform number, weight, height in feet and inches, grade level, and position(s). Select the OK button. Repeat this procedure until each player on the roster has been entered and then select the Cancel button. 4) Select Game Score on the Enter Menu. Enter the number of innings played and select the OK button. Enter the first inning score for the team on the top line and press the Tab key. Type the first inning score for the other team and press the Tab key. Repeat this procedure until all of the inning and final scores are entered. Select the OK button. 5) Select Hitting Stats on the Enter Menu. Select a player from the List and select the OK button. Enter the hitting statistics for the selected player and select the OK button. Select the next player and and enter hitting statistics. Repeat this procedure until all hitting stats have been entered. Select the Cancel button in the player List Box. 6) Follow the same procedure to enter fielding, catching, and pitching stats. 7) To create a report of the game statistics, select Team from the Report Menu. To enter and display subsequent game statistics, follow these steps: 1) Choose Select on the Team Menu. Highlight your team and select the OK button. 2) Select Add on the Game Menu. Enter information for the current game. 3) Select Game Score on the Enter Menu. Enter the inning and final scores. 4) Select Hitting, Fielding, Catching, and Pitching Stats from the Enter Menu and enter statistics for the current game. 5) Select the desired reporting option on the Report Menu. THelpTopic Button One or more buttons are normally found in a Dialog Box. The most commonly used buttons are the OK button and the Cancel button. Select the OK button to accept the settings in the dialog box. Select the Cancel button to exit from a dialog box without making any selection. ~ A button is selected by clicking on it with the mouse or by tabbing until the button is highlighted and then pressing Enter. THelpTopic Check Box A check box is found within a Dialog Box. In a check box there is one item or more that can be selected. Currently selected items have an "X" displayed to the left of that item. L Individual items can be selected or deselected using one of these methods: j 1) Click on the item with the mouse. 2) Select the Check Box and type the hot key for the item. THelpTopic Radio Box A Radio Box is similar to a Check Box except in a Radio Box only one item can be selected. A dot is displayed to the left of the selected item. @ An individual item can be selected using one of these methods: j 1) Click on the item with the mouse. 2) Select the Radio Box and type the hot key for the item. THelpTopic Hot Key Hot Keys are used extensively in Check Boxes and Radio Boxes to allow quick selection of items using the keyboard. Each item in a Check Box or Radio Box has a Hot Key. The Hot Key for a particular item is displayed with highlighted text. " When a Check Box or Radio Box is selected, a particular item can be selected by simply pressing its Hot Key. For example, in the Add Game Dialog Box there is a Radio Box to indicate if the game is Home, Away or Neutral. The Hot Key for Away is "A". Select Away by pressing the "A" key. THelpTopic List Box A List Box is found within a Dialog Box. A List Box gives a list of textual choices from which one can be chosen. List boxes are used to list team names, game opponent names, and player names. For example, the Select Team Dialog Box contains a list box of team names: { Greenville Madison New Baltimore Oakland Pine Rapids Silver Lake Sparta In a List Box, the item that is highlighted is the one that is selected. By default the first item on the list is highlighted. 7 To select a different item, use one of these methods: 1) Click on the desired item using the mouse. 2) Click on the scroll bar using the mouse. 3) Use the up or down cursor (arrow) keys. 4) Use the Page Up or Page Down keys. THelpTopic Input Line An Input Line is found within a dialog box. Input Lines are used for entering textual information such as team names, opponent names, and player names. For example, the Add Player Dialog Box contains the following input line to enter the player's last name: % Last Name: When the Input Line is selected, the label "Last Name" is highlighted and text can be entered at the keyboard. Errors can be corrected with the Backspace and Delete keys. The cursor can be located anywhere on the line by clicking with the mouse or by using the left and right cursor (arrow) keys. The Insert key toggles overwriting and inserting text. THelpTopic Select Team Select a working team from those in the current directory. THelpTopic Select Team Dialog Select a working team from those in the current directory. To choose a team: 1) Choose Select from the Team Menu. 2) Highlight the desired team name from the List Box of team names. 3) Select the OK button. After a team is selected, it becomes the current team and the team name is displayed on the status line at the bottom of the screen. THelpTopic Edit Team Change the team name, type, or innings per game. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Edit Team Dialog Edit the current team's basic information. ' To edit the team's basic information: { 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Edit on the Team Menu. The selected team's information is displayed in the dialog box. 3) Change any or all of the information as desired, including the team name, the type of team (baseball or softball), and the number of innings in a standard game. 4) Select the OK button. See also Add Team. THelpTopic Add New Team Add a new team to the current directory. THelpTopic Add New Team Dialog Add a new team to the current directory. > This function prompts for the entry of new team information. To add a new team: 1) Select Add on the Team Menu. 2) Enter the new team information, including the team name, team type (baseball or softball), and number of innings in a standard game. 3) Select the OK button. After a team is added, it becomes the current team and the team name is displayed on the status line at the bottom of the screen. THelpTopic Remove Team Remove a team including all of its statistics. THelpTopic Remove Team Dialog Remove a team including all of its statistics. ^ Caution: Removing a team permanently destroys any data that has been entered for that team. To remove a team: 1) Choose Remove on the Team Menu. 2) Highlight the team to remove in the List 3) Select the OK button. 4) Select the OK button at the warning message. THelpTopic Change Directory Change the current directory. THelpTopic Change Directory Dialog Change the current directory. The Change Directory function consists of an Input Line, a special Directory Tree List Box, an OK Button, a Chdir Button, and a Revert Button. d The current directory is initially displayed on the Input Line and in the Directory Tree List Box. / To change the directory using the Input Line: m 1) Choose Change Dir on the Team Menu. 2) Type the path of the new directory. 3) Select the OK Button. To change the directory using the List Box: 1) Choose Change Dir on the Team Menu. 2) Use the mouse to click on different parts of the tree until the desired directory is highlighted (alternately, the scroll bar may be used). 3) Select the OK Button. Selecting the ChDir Button will change the current directory and update the displayed directory tree. Selecting the Revert Button will go back to the previous directory as long as you have yet to exit the Change Directory Dialog. THelpTopic Exit Terminate this program. THelpTopic Select Game Select an existing game for the current team. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Select Game Dialog Select an existing game for the current team. Games are displayed in chronological order in the List Box. The month and day of the game, the opponent, and whether the game is home or away is displayed. To choose a game: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose Select on the Game Menu. 3) Highlight the desired game from the List Box of games. 4) Select the OK button. After a game is selected, it becomes the current game and the opponent name is displayed on the status line at the bottom of the screen. THelpTopic Edit Game Edit game information. (This function is not available unless a team and game are selected.) THelpTopic Edit Game Dialog Edit game information. Current game information is displayed, which includes the opponent name, the game date, the location (home, away, or neutral site), and the game type (conference, nonconference, or tournament). To change game information: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Edit on the Game Menu. 4) Change any or all of the game information as desired. 5) Select the OK button. See also Add Game. THelpTopic Add New Game Add a new game to the current team. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Add New Game Dialog Add a new game to the current team. This function prompts for the opponent name, the game date, the game location (home, away, or neutral site), and the game type (conference, nonconference, or tournament). c NOTE: The program will not allow two games with the same date and opponent name to be added. Double headers should be added with slightly different team names. For example, if you have a double header against Brighton, you could enter "Brighton (1)" for the opponent name of the first game and "Brighton (2)" for the opponent name of the second game. To add a new game: H 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose Add on the Game Menu. 3) Type the opponent name and press Tab. 4) Type the game date and press Tab. 5) Select Home, Away, or Neutral and press Tab. 6) Select Conference, Nonconference, or Tournament and press Tab. 7) Select the OK button. After a game is added, it becomes the current game and the opponent name is displayed on the status line at the bottom of the screen. THelpTopic Remove Game Remove a game from the current team. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Remove Game Dialog Remove a game from the current team. ^ Caution: Removing a game permanently destroys any data that has been entered for that game. To remove a game: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose Remove from the Game Menu. 3) Highlight the game to remove in the List 4) Select the OK button. 5) Select the OK button at the warning message. THelpTopic Display Schedule Display the selected team's schedule. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Display Schedule Dialog Display the selected team's schedule. x This function allows you to customize a display of your schedule. You can specify where to display or store your report, whether to include a report heading, and which columns of game information to include. You can also choose which games to display based on the game type (conference, nonconference, and tournament) and the game location (home, away, and neutral sites). Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using your word processor program. By using the game type Check Box, you can choose to include any combination of conference, nonconference, and tournament games. By using the location Check Box, you can choose to include any combination of games played home, away, or at a neutral site. To make a schedule report: E 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose Display Schedule from the Game Menu. 3) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 4) In the Game Type Check Box, select the game types that you want displayed. If you want to display all game types, select all three types: conference, nonconference, tournament. 5) In the Game Location Check Box, select desired games: home, away, or neutral sites. If you want the report to in- clude all games, check all three loca- tions. 6) In the Report Columns Check select the columns of information you want displayed. This can include any or all of the following: Number: to number the games starting at 1. Date: the date that the game takes place. Opponent: the opponent name. Type: the game type (conference, nonconference, or tournament). Location: the game location (home, away, or neutral site). 7) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Add New Player Add a new player to the current team. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Add New Player Dialog Add a new player to the current team. This function prompts for a player's first and last names, uniform number, weight, height, grade level, and positions. The player's last name is required, but all other player information is optional. To add a new player: 3 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Add on the Player Menu. 3) Type the player's first name and press Tab. 4) Type the player's last name and press Tab. 5) Enter the player's weight in pounds and press tab. 6) Enter the number of feet in the player's height and press tab. 7) Enter the number of inches in the player's height and press tab. 8) Select the player's grade level and press tab. 9) Select the position(s) that the player plays and press tab. 10) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Remove Player Remove a player from the current team. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Remove Player Dialog Remove a player from the current team. ^ A player can only be removed from a team if there are no statistics entered for that player. To remove a player: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Remove on the Player Menu. 3) Highlight the player to remove in the List 4) Select the OK button. 5) Select the OK button at the warning message. THelpTopic Edit Player Edit player information. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Edit Player Dialog Edit player information, including a player's first and last names, uniform number, weight, height, grade level, and positions. To edit a player's name: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Edit on the Player Menu. 3) Select a player from the List The player information is displayed. 4) Change any or all of the player information as desired. 5) Select the OK button. See also Add Player. THelpTopic Display Roster Display the selected team's roster. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Display Roster Dialog Display the selected team's roster. v This function allows you to customize a display of your team roster. You can specify where to display or store your report, whether to include a report heading, and which columns of player information to include. You can also choose which players to display based on their grade level. You can even order the roster alphabetically, by uniform number, or by grade level. Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using your word processor program. To make a roster report: L 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose Display Roster from the Player Menu. 3) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 4) In the Sort Radio Box, select to order the roster either by name, uniform number, or by grade level. 5) In the Select Check Box, choose to display Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors. If you want the report to include all players, check all four grade levels. 6) In the Name Format Radio Box, select the desired format to display the player names. 7) In the Columns Check Box, select the columns of information you want displayed. This can include any or all of the following: Uniform Number: player uniform number. Name: player name. Height: player height. Weight: player weight. Grade: player grade level. Position: player's position or positions. 8) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Enter Score Enter or edit game score inning by inning. (This function is not available unless a game is selected.) THelpTopic Enter Innings Enter the number of innings played in this game and select OK to continue. THelpTopic Enter Score Dialog Enter or edit the game score inning by inning. This function displays the team and opponent names along with inning by inning scores. If scores were not previously entered, the inning and final score entry boxes contain zeros. k After selecting a team, selecting a game, and selecting Game Score on the Enter Menu, follow these steps: 2 1) Type the team score for the 1st inning and press Enter or Tab. 2) Type the opponent score for the 1st inning and press Enter or Tab. 3) Repeat until all inning and the final scores are entered. (Note: You are only required to enter final scores.) 4) Select the OK button. To edit previously entered scores follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Enter Opponent Stats Enter or edit opponent statistics for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected and game scores have been entered.) THelpTopic Enter Opponent Stats Dialog Enter or edit opponent statistics for the current game. This function displays the opponent name along with opponent game statistics. If these statistics were not previously entered, the stat entry boxes contain zeros. To enter opponent stats: 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Opponent Stats on the Enter Menu. The opponent statistics are displayed. 4) Type the opponent's number of At Bats and press Enter or Tab. 5) Type the opponent's number of Runs and press Enter or Tab. 6) Repeat until all opponent statistics are entered. 7) Select the OK button. To edit previously entered opponent statistics follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Enter Hitting Stats Enter or edit hitting statistics for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected and game scores have been entered.) THelpTopic Enter Hitting Stats Dialog Enter or edit hitting statistics for the current game. This function displays a list of players on the current team. After a player is selected, his/her hitting statistics are displayed. If these statistics were not previously entered, the stat entry boxes contain zeros. To enter hitting stats: b 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Hitting Stats on the Enter Menu. 4) Select the player from the List of player names. After a player is selected, hitting stats for this player are displayed. 5) Type the number of At Bats that this player had and press Enter or Tab. 6) Type the number of Runs and press Enter or Tab. 7) Repeat until all of the player's hitting statistics are entered. 8) Select the OK button. 9) Select the next player and repeat or Cancel to end. To edit previously entered hitting statistics follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Enter Fielding Stats Enter or edit fielding statistics for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected and game scores have been entered.) THelpTopic Enter Fielding Stats Dialog Enter or edit fielding statistics for the current game. This function displays an individual player's fielding statistics for the current game. If these statistics were not previously entered, the stat entry boxes contain zeros. To enter fielding stats: y 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Fielding Stats on the Enter Menu. 4) Select the player from the List of player names. After a player is selected, fielding stats for this player are displayed. 5) Type the number of Infield Assists that this player had and press Enter or Tab. 6) Type the number of Outfield Assists and press Enter or Tab. 7) Repeat until all of the player's fielding statistics are entered. 8) Select the OK button. 9) Select the next player and repeat or Cancel to end. To edit previously entered fielding statistics follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Enter Pitching Stats Enter or edit pitching statistics for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected and game scores have been entered.) THelpTopic Enter Pitching Stats Dialog Enter or edit pitching statistics for the current game. This function displays an individual player's pitching statistics for the current game. If these statistics were not previously entered, the stat entry boxes contain zeros. To enter fielding stats: d 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Pitching Stats on the Enter Menu. 4) Select the player from the List of player names. After a player is selected, pitching stats for this player are displayed. 5) Type the number of Full Innings that this player pitched and press Enter or Tab. 6) Type the number of Third Innings pitched and press Enter or Tab. 7) Repeat until all of the player's pitching statistics are entered. 8) In the Complete Game Radio Box select Yes if the player pitched a complete game and No otherwise. 9) In the Record Radio Box select Won, Lost, Save, or None to indicate the player's game record status. 10) Select the OK button. 11) Select the next player and repeat or Cancel to end. To edit previously entered pitching statistics follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Enter Catching Stats Enter or edit catching statistics for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected and game scores have been entered.) THelpTopic Enter Catching Stats Dialog Enter or edit catching statistics for the current game. This function displays an individual player's catching statistics for the current game. If these statistics were not previously entered, the stat entry boxes contain zeros. To enter catching stats: s 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Catching Stats on the Enter Menu. 4) Select the player from the List of player names. After a player is selected, catching stats for this player are displayed. 5) Type the number of Pass Balls that this player had and press Enter or Tab. 6) Type the number of Pickoff Assists and press Enter or Tab. 7) Repeat until all of the player's catching statistics are entered. 8) Select the OK button. 9) Select the next player and repeat or Cancel to end. To edit previously entered catching statistics follow the same procedure. THelpTopic Team Game Report Make a report for the current game. (This function is not available unless a game is selected.) THelpTopic Team Game Report Dialog Make a report for the current game. f This function allows you to customize your single game reports. You can specify where to display or store your report, which players to include on the report, what information to include on the top or heading of the report, which columns of statistics to include, whether to include team and/or opponent totals, and whether to include an abbreviation key. Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using your word processor program. By using the Players Radio Box, you can choose to include all players on the team, only players that played in the game, or you can Select players you want to display on the report. To make a team game report: 6 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Choose the game using Select on the Game Menu. 3) Select Team Game on the Report Menu. 4) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 5) In the Players Radio Box, select All, Played, or Select. 6) In the Heading Check Box, select the information you want displayed at the top of the report. This can include any or all of the following: Team Names: the team and opponent names Date: the date the game was played C/NC/Tournmt: the type of game-- conference, nonconference, or tournament Location: where the game was played--home, away, or neutral site Team Record: the team's win-loss record 7) In the Box Score Check Boxes, select which parts, of the box score you want displayed. This can include any or all of the following: Each Inning: the inning by inning team and opponent scores Total Runs: the total team and opponent runs scored Total Hits: the total team and opponent hits Total Errors: the total team and opponent errors 8) In the Stats to Include Check select which general categories of statistics to display. This can include any or all of the following: Hitting/Running/Misc: hitting, running and miscellaneous stats, including a performance rating Fielding/Catching: fielding and catching stats Pitching: pitching stats 9) In the Team Totals Check select to include Team and/or Opponent totals. 10) Select the abbreviation key if desired. 11) Select the OK button. Depending on your selections, before the report is prepared you will be prompted to enter a file name, select players, specify a rating formula, or select which hitting, running, miscellaneous, fielding, catching, and pitching statistics to include in the report. THelpTopic Select Hitting, Running, and Miscellaneous Stats When you select to include hitting, running, and miscellaneous statistics from either a team game report, a team season games report, a team season players report, or a player season report, you will be asked to specify which of these stats to include. After you select OK on the first report specification screen but before the report is prepared, a dialog box asking for hitting, running, and miscellaneous stats is displayed. T To select which hitting, running, and miscellaneus stats to display in the report: 1) In the first Hitting Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories to display: At Bats, Runs, Hits, Doubles, Triples, Home Runs, Walks, Runs Batted In, and Sacrifices. Press Tab. 2) In the second Hitting Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories: Strike Outs, Call Third Strikes, Hit by Pitch, Reached Base on Error, Advanced Runner to 3rd, Game Winning Hit, Quality at Bat, Batting Average, Slugging Average, and On Base Average. Press Tab. 3) In the Running Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories: Stolen Base Attempts, Stolen Bases, Double Play Breakups, Heads Up Baserunning, Picked Off Base, and Failure to Slide. Press Tab. 4) In the Miscellaneous Stats Check select any or all of the following statistics categories: Missed Signal, General Mental Mistake, and Rating. 5) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Select Fielding and Catching Stats When you select to include fielding and catching statistics from either a team game report, a team season games report, a team season players report, or a player season report, you will be asked to specify which of these stats to include. After you select OK on the first report specification screen but before the report is prepared, a dialog box asking for fielding and catching stats is displayed. G To select which fielding and catching stats to display in the report: ` 1) In the Fielding Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories to display: Infield Assists, Outfield Assists, Double Play Assists, Put Outs, Outstanding Play, Fielding Errors, Throwing Errors, Total Errors, Failure to Backup Base, Missed Cutoff Man, and Fielding Average. Press Tab. 2) In the Catching Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories: Pass Balls, Pickoff Assists, Steal Attempts, Runners Caught, and Runner Caught Average. Press Tab. 3) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Select Pitching Stats When you select to include pitching statistics from either a team game report, a team season games report, a team season players report, or a player season report, you will be asked to specify which of these stats to include. After you select OK on the first report specification screen but before the report is prepared, a dialog box asking for pitching stats is displayed. : To select which pitching stats to display in the report: 1) In the first Pitching Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories to display: Innings, Hits, Runs, Earned Runs, Earned Run Average, Walks, Walks 1st Batter, and Wild Pitches. Press Tab. 2) In the second Pitching Stats Check select any or all of the following statistic categories: Hit Batters, Strike Outs, Balks, Pickoff Assists, Complete Game, Win, Loss, and Save. Press Tab. 3) Select the OK button. THelpTopic Team Season Games Report Make a team season report of game totals. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Team Season Games Report Dialog Make a team season report of game totals. This function allows you to customize a report based on game totals from games played throughout the season. You can specify where to display or store your report, which games to include in the report, what information to include on the top or heading of the report, which columns of statistics to include, whether to include team and opponent totals and/or averages, and whether to include an abbreviation key. Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using a word processor. By using the Games Radio Box, you can choose to include all games played, only conference games, only nonconference games, only tournament games, or you can select games you want to display on the report. If you want to rate the team's performance, you can create a custom rating formula by selecting Rating in the second Report Column Check Box. % To make a team season games report: , 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Team Season Games on the Report Menu. 3) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 4) In the Games Radio Box, select All, Conference, Nonconference, Tournament, or Select. 5) In the Heading Check Box, select the information you want displayed at the top of the report. This can include any or all of the following: Team Name: the team name Report Title: the report title, which indicates the type of games used in the report Conf Record: the conference games won-lost record Nonconf Record: the nonconference games won-lost record Tournmt Record: the tournament games won-lost record Total Record: the overall season won-lost record 6) In the Box Score Check Boxes, select which parts, of the box score you want displayed. This can include any or all of the following: Each Inning: the inning by inning team and opponent scores Total Runs: the total team and opponent runs scored Total Hits: the total team and opponent hits Total Errors: the total team and opponent errors 7) In the Stats to Include Check select which general categories of statistics to display. This can include any or all of the following: Hitting/Running/Misc: hitting, running and miscellaneous stats, including a performance rating Fielding/Catching: fielding and catching stats Pitching: pitching stats 8) In the Totals Check Box, select to display the team totals, team averages, opponent totals, and/or the opponent averages. 9) Select the abbreviation key if desired. 10) Select the OK button. Depending on your selections, before the report is prepared you will be prompted to enter a file name, select games, specify a rating formula, or select which hitting, running, miscellaneous, fielding, catching, and pitching statistics to include in the report. THelpTopic Team Season Players Report Make a team season report of player totals. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Team Season Players Report Dialog Make a team season report of player totals. This function allows you to customize a report based on player totals from games played throughout the season. You can specify where to display or store your report, which games to include in the report, which players to include in the report, what information to include on the top or heading of the report, which columns of statistics to include, whether to include team and opponent totals and/or averages, and whether to include an abbreviation key. Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using a word processor. By using the Games Radio Box, you can choose to include all games played, only conference games, only nonconference games, only tournament games, or you can select games you want to display on the report. By using the Players Radio Box, you can choose to include all players on the team or you can select players you want to display on the report. ' To make a team season players report: h 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Team Season Players on the Report Menu. 3) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 4) In the Games Radio Box, choose All, Conference, Nonconference, Tournament, or Select. 5) In the Players Radio Box, choose All or Select. 6) In the Heading Check Box, select the information you want displayed at the top of the report. This can include any or all of the following: Team Name: the team name Report Title: the report title, which indicates the type of games used in the report Conf Record: the conference games won-lost record Nonconf Record: the nonconference games won-lost record Tournmt Record: the tournament games won-lost record Total Record: the overall season won-lost record 7) In the Box Score Check Boxes, select which parts, of the box score you want displayed. This can include any or all of the following: Each Inning: the inning by inning team and opponent scores Total Runs: the total team and opponent runs scored Total Hits: the total team and opponent hits Total Errors: the total team and opponent errors 8) In the Stats to Include Check select which general categories of statistics to display. This can include any or all of the following: Hitting/Running/Misc: hitting, running and miscellaneous stats, including a performance rating Fielding/Catching: fielding and catching stats Pitching: pitching stats 9) In the Totals Check Box, select to display the team totals, team averages, opponent totals, and/or the opponent averages. 10) Select the abbreviation key if desired. 11) Select the OK button. Depending on your selections, before the report is prepared you will be prompted to enter a file name, select games, select players, specify a rating formula, or select which hitting, running, miscellaneous, fielding, catching, and pitching statistics to include in the report. THelpTopic Player Season Report Make a player season report of individual games. (This function is not available unless a team is selected.) THelpTopic Player Season Report Dialog Make a player season report of individual games. This function allows you to customize an individual player report based on games played throughout the season. You can specify where to display or store your report, which games to include in the report, what information to include on the top or heading of the report, which columns of statistics to include, whether to include player totals and/or averages, and whether to include an abbreviation key. Reports can be saved in a disk file by selecting File in the Destination Check Box. This feature allows you to edit and print the report using a word processor. By using the Games Radio Box, you can choose to include all games played, only conference games, only nonconference games, only tournament games, or you can select games you want to display on the report. ! To make a player season report: ! 1) Choose the team using Select on the Team Menu. 2) Select Player Season on the Report Menu. 3) Select the player from the List of player names. 4) In the Destination Check select Screen to display the report on the screen, Printer to print the report, and/or File to save the report in a disk file. 5) In the Games Radio Box, choose All, Conference, Nonconference, Tournament, or Select. 6) In the Heading Check Box, select the information you want displayed at the top of the report. This can include the team name, a report title, and/or the player name. 7) In the Stats to Include Check select which general categories of statistics to display. This can include any or all of the following: Hitting/Running/Misc: hitting, running and miscellaneous stats, including a performance rating Fielding/Catching: fielding and catching stats Pitching: pitching stats 8) In the Totals Check Box, select to display the player totals and/or averages. 9) Select the abbreviation key if desired. 10) Select the OK button. Depending on your selections, before the report is prepared you will be prompted to enter a file name, select games, specify a rating formula, or select which hitting, running, miscellaneous, fielding, catching, and pitching statistics to include in the report. THelpTopic Close Report Clear a report from the screen. Once a report is created and sent to the Screen, it remains on the screen until another report is created. Choose Close Report on the Report Menu to clear the report from the screen. THelpTopic File Dialog A File Dialog box is used to enter the name of a disk file to store a copy of a report to disk. S If within one of the report specification dialog boxes, a file is selected as one of the destinations for the report, the file dialog is displayed after OK is selected from the report dialog. The File Dialog prompts for the name (or path) of the disk file. You must enter a legal DOS file name (refer to your DOS manual for a list of file naming rules). If the file already exists on the disk, you will be asked if you want to replace the existing file. If you answer YES, the file will be replaced by the new report. If you answer NO, you will be prompted to enter a different file name. THelpTopic Rating Dialog A Rating Dialog box is used to enter a new rating formula. A rating formula can be used to evaluate an individual player's performance or the performance of the entire team. Player or team Rating is classified as a miscellaneous statistic category. To include Ratings in a report, select Rating in the Hitting, Fielding, and Miscellaneous Stats dialog box. If you select Rating as one of the columns of information to display in the report, the Rating Dialog is displayed before the report is prepared to give you an opportunity to edit the rating formula values. : Within the Rating Dialog current rating formula values are displayed. For positive categories such as Hits, Runs, Runs Batted In, Infield Assists, or Put Outs, you can enter a number from 0 to 9. For negative categories such as Call Third Strikes, Pass Balls, Throwing Errors, or Missed Sign you can enter a number from -9 to 0. The value you enter for each statistic category will either emphasize or de-emphasize that particular category in the overall rating. If you do not want a particular statistic to be a part of the rating, enter a zero for that category. For a player or team, the Rating is calculated by taking the rating number (-9 to 9) for each rating formula category and multipling it by the corresponding player or team's statistic value. The result of each multiplication is added to give the final rating value. When the Rating Dialog appears on the screen, all of the current rating formula values are displayed. If these values are the ones you want to use in your formula, simply select the OK button. Otherwise, to change the rating formula values, follow these steps: B 1) For each rating value that you want to change, select that category with the mouse or press Enter repeatedly until that category is highlighted. Enter the new rating value. Go on to next category to be changed. 2) After all of the desired rating values are entered, select OK. Most of the rating value descriptions are straight forward and similar to or the same as the descriptions used when the statistics are first entered. However, some of the pitching category descriptions might not be as obvious and are described below: No ER in CG: no earned runs in a complete game 1 ER in CG: one earned run in a complete game Ls Th 3 ER in CG: less than three earned runs in a complete game More Than 5 ER: more than 5 earned runs in a game Walk 1st Btr of I: walked 1st batter of the inning THelpTopic Select Games Dialog The Select Games Dialog is used to select specific games or data from specific games to display on a report. G If within one of the report specification dialog boxes, Select... is chosen in the Games Radio Box, the Select Games Dialog is displayed after OK is selected from the report dialog. A List Box of games available for that team is displayed in chronological order. The month and day of the game and the opponent are displayed. To select games for a report: = 1) Use the mouse to click on the desired game in the list OR highlight the desired game and press the Insert key. (On a color monitor the text of a selected game is yellow unless the bar cursor is on that game.) 2) Repeat until all of the desired games are selected. 3) Select OK. To deselect a game, use the mouse to click or Insert key to select that game a second time. THelpTopic Select Players Dialog The Select Players Dialog is used to select specific players or data from specific players to display on a report. If within one of the report specification dialog boxes, Select... is chosen in the Players Radio Box, the Select Players Dialog is displayed after OK is selected from the report dialog. A List Box of players available for that team is displayed in alphabetical order by last name. ! To select players for a report: > 1) Use the mouse to click on a player in the list OR highlight a player and press the Insert key. (On a color monitor the text of a selected player is yellow unless the bar cursor is on that player.) 2) Repeat until all players to include on the report are selected. 3) Select OK. To deselect a player, use the mouse or Insert key to select that player a second time. THelpTopic+ Help Index Game Player Team Button Close Report Change Directory Check Dialog Display Roster Display Schedule Information Player Information Information ENTER b Catching Stats Fielding Stats Game Scores Hitting Stats Opponent Stats Pitching Stats Exit GAME > Add Display Schedule Edit Information Remove Select Getting Started HELP Help Help Overview Input Line Menu PLAYER 3 Add Display Roster Edit Information Remove Player Season Report Radio Rating Formula Remove Game Remove Player Remove Team REPORT Close Enter Player Season Select Fielding Catching Stats Select Games Select Hitting Stats Select Pitching Stats Select Players Team Team Season Games Team Season Players Select Game Select Team TEAM + Add Edit Information Remove Select Report Season Games Report Season Players Report > THelpIndexF