1 User aborted operation 2 General MAPI failure 3 Login failure 4 Disk Full 5 Not enough memory 6 Access Denied 8 Too many sessions 9 Too many files 10 Too many recipients 11 Attachment not found 12 Failure opening attachment 13 Failure writing attachment 14 Unknown recipient 15 Bad recipient type 16 No messages 17 Invalid message 18 Text too large 19 Invalid session 20 Type not supported 21 Ambiguous recipient 22 Message in use 23 Network failure 24 Invalid edit fields 25 Invalid recipients 26 Not supported 27 Programs|*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd|All Files|*.*| 28 Common Files (*.avi;*.bmp;*.exe;*.scr;*.wav)|*.avi;*.bmp;*.exe;*.scr;*.wav|Media Files (*.avi;*.wav)|*.avi;*.wav|Pictures|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.tif|Programs|*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd|All Files|*.*| 29 This mail alert version expires in %d days.To register your version, contact:\nDiamond Ridge, Inc. \nTel: 518-371-0078\nWeb: www.diamondridge.com/diamond\nE-mail: mailalert@diamondridge.com\n\n\nClick on help for more info on how to register. 30 Thank you for supporting shareware and registering your copy of MailAlert. 31 This evaluation version of mail alert has expired. To register your version, contact:\nDiamond Ridge, Inc. \nTel: 518-371-0078\nWeb: www.diamondridge.com/diamond\nE-mail: mailalert@diamondridge.com\n\n\nClick on Help for more info on how to register.