Server Modem Requirements Foray PPP Server requires a specific configuration for the modems it uses. Depending on your modem, some of the following settings may be the factory defaults. Since some modems limit the length of the setup string they will accept, you should only specify those settings where Foray requires a different setting from your modem's defaults. In addition, some modems use DIP switches for setting certain modes. If your modem uses DIP switches, you should refer to your modem manual to determine the settings that correspond to the commands listed below. The Foray PPP Server requires the following modem configuration: 1. Factory settings loaded (usually command &F). Issue this command first, to reset the modem default settings. 2. Off-line echo deactivated (usually command E0). 3. DCD (Data Carrier Detect) reflects the true status of the carrier (usually command &C1). 4. DSR (Data Set Ready) always on while the modem is on (usually command &S0). 5. Track DTR (Data Terminal Ready). When the DTR line turns off, the modem disconnects the phone line and switches to the command mode (usually command &D2). 6. Bps rate adjustment disabled (command varies by modem). This causes the modem to maintaint the computer-to-modem bps rate even if the modem-to-modem connection is at a lower bps rate. 7. Bidirectional RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) flow control enabled (command varies by modem). 8. Connections established using "forced-reliable" modem (command varies by modem). 9. Enabling "verbose result codes" mode will cause the modem to return connection information, including baud rate and error correction strings. For use with the Foray PPP Server software, contact TechSmith Technical Support. Copyright 1996 TechSmith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.