TechSmith Corporation's Foray PPP Server Client Configuration Assist File This document contains installation and configuration information to assist you in connecting client workstations to the Foray PPP Server. *If you do not find the information you are looking for, please visit our web site. The site is regularly updated with new frequently requested information regarding the Foray PPP Server. The following software packages have been tested for use with the Foray PPP Server. We recommend following the steps outlined below to obtain a successful connection between your client workstations and the server. Currently, the following software packages are included in this file: Trumpet FTP's PC/TCP Microsoft Windows 95 Enabling dynamic DNS for Windows 95 and Windows NT IBM OS/2 Warp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trumpet (we suggest you obtain the current version of Trumpet, ======= which is available via anonymous ftp to Overview To use Trumpet Winsock to connect to a Foray PPP Server, you must first install Trumpet Winsock, configure your network protocol parameters and communication port, and then modify a dialing script. The following notes apply for Windows and Windows for Workgroups systems and Trumpet Winsock version 2.0c or later. Install Trumpet Winsock The following steps describe the installation of Trumpet Winsock. 1. Make a Trumpet Winsock directory: mkdir C:\TRUMPET 2. Copy the Trumpet Winsock distribution to the Trumpet Winsock directory: copy A:\*.* C:\TRUMPET 3. Change to the Trumpet Winsock directory: cd C:\TRUMPET 4. Execute the self extracting Trumpet Winsock archives (answer Y to any overwriting prompts): execute TWSK20f.EXE and WINAPPS2.EXE (for version 2.0f) 5. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to include C:\TRUMPET: add the line SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\TRUMPET to the end of AUTOEXEC.BAT 6. Reboot your system to have the AUTOEXEC.BAT modification take effect. Configure Protocol and Port Usage The following steps describe the network protocol and communication port configuration. 1. Attach your modem to your communications port 2. Start Windows or Windows For Workgroups 3. In the Program Manager, select File/Run and execute the command C:\TRUMPET\TCPMAN. Note that it may be more convenient to create a program group for Trumpet Winsock and program items for C:\TRUMPET\TCPMAN and utilities like C:\TRUMPET\PINGW, instead of using File/Run. 4. Leave the IP address, Netmask, and Default Gateway configured to 5. Fill in your Name Server IP address (you may need to ask your Foray PPP Server administrator for the IP address of the Name Server) 6. Leave the Time Server and Domain Suffix fields empty 7. In most cases you can use the default values for the following parameters: Packet Vector (00), MTU (1500), TCPRWIN (4096), TCP MSS (1460), Demand Load Timeout (5), TCP RTO MAX (60). However, in most cases, setting TCPRWIN to 6000 will eliminate "jerky" movement sometimes seen when viewing graphics. 8. Check the Internal PPP box 9. Set the SLIP Port to the communications port number which has the modem attached 10. Set the communications port Baud Rate. If you have a 28.8 modem, you can probably set the baud rate to 57600, as long as you have an internal modem or 16550 UART and a 486DX66 or faster workstation. 11. Check the Hardware Handshake box 12. Leave the Van Jacobson CSLIP compression box clear 13. Select an Online Status Detection method (e.g. None) 14. Click OK 15. Restart Trumpet Winsock if it does not automatically restart (use Program Manager File/Run to execute the command C:\TRUMPET\TCPMAN) Note that the network protocol and communication port can be reconfigured at any time by selecting File/Settings in the Trumpet Winsock application window (C:\TRUMPET\TCPMAN). Modify the Dialing Script and PPP Options The Foray PPP Server does not require a terminal server login process. Instead, it uses the PPP Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) to perform automatic user authentication (Foray Server also supports PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), but CHAP is not currently supported by Trumpet Winsock). Since Foray PPP Server uses PAP, the dialing script required for Foray PPP Server is much simpler than the default script (LOGIN.CMD) provided with Trumpet Winsock. The default dialing script (LOGIN.CMD) is used to connect to a PPP server when you select Dialler/Login in Trumpet Winsock. The following steps describe how to configure PAP and modify the default dialing script to connect to a Foray PPP Server. (The Foray PPP Server bundle provides a modified LOGIN.CMD file for you to use with these modifications already made.) 1. In a Command Prompt window, make a backup copy of the default Trumpet Winsock dialing script: copy C:\TRUMPET\LOGIN.CMD C:\TRUMPET\LOGIN.BAK. 2. In the Trumpet Winsock application window (C:\TRUMPET\TCPMAN), select File/PPP Options. 3. Check the Use Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) box. 4. Enter the Username and Password for your account on the Foray PPP Server if PAP has been enabled. 5. Click OK. 6. In the Trumpet Winsock window, select Dialler/Edit Scripts. 7. Select login.cmd to edit the default dialing script used by Dialler/Login. 8. In the Notepad editor, delete all lines in the file after the line wait 30 dcd (e.g. select all the lines after wait 30 dcd with the mouse and then hit the Delete key): ... # wait till it’s safe to send because some modem’s hang up # if you transmit during the connection phase # wait 30 dcd <<< Delete from here to the end of the file >>> # # now prod the terminal server # ... display \n display Connected. Your IP address is \i.\n end # # now we are finished. # end <<< end of file >>> 9. Save the modified login.cmd file by selecting File/Save. 10. Exit Notepad by selecting File/Exit. The modification to the default dialing script described above is the minimal required modification for connecting to a Foray PPP Server in almost all cases. You may want to edit login.cmd further to customize the modem initialization string for your particular modem and remove the unnecessary Username and Password prompts. Connect to a Foray PPP Server The following steps describe using Trumpet Winsock to connect to a Foray PPP Server. 1. In Trumpet Winsock, select Dialler/Login. 2. When prompted, enter the phone number for the Foray PPP Server. 3. When prompted for a Username and Password, just click OK (they are not used for a Foray PPP Server login). Note that you can remove the Username and Password prompt by editing login.cmd and removing the corresponding sections of the dialing script. 4. At this point, you should see the modem dial commands and response followed by a successful PPP login: ... atz OK atdt 5551212 CONNECT 9600/V32... Script completed PPP ENABLED Accepted:Welcome! My Ip address = ... 5. Test your Foray PPP Server connection using C:\TRUMPET\PINGW to ping the IP address of a system accessible via the Foray Server (e.g. a Name Server, FTP Server, or WWW Server). 6. Select Dialler/Bye in Trumpet Winsock to hang up the connection to the Foray PPP Server. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FTP PC/TCP OnNet ================ These hints are on how to configure the software once it's installed... There are two places you must enter data to set up both Domain Name Servers and authentication information. For DNS: 1. Run the configure application. It has three buttons available: "basic", "Advanced" and "Exit". 2. Select the Basic button. 3. From the list of options that get presented, select the "DNS Configuration" option. A "Modify..." button will appear. 4. Select this "Modify..." button. 5. Enter your hostname and Domain Name in the proper fields. Enter the IP addresses of at least 1 DNS server in the remain- ing "Domain Name Servers" list field. To configure for authentication: 1. Run the Dialer application 2. Create a session by sleeking Session->New (you can also choose to modify the 'default' session instead of creating a new one). 3. Select the "Configure..." button 4. Use IP address of for dynamic negotiation. If your system administrator gave you your own IP address, insert it here. 5. Select VJ compression to be "automatic" 6. If your Foray PPP Server is using authentication, fill in your username and passwords in the proper fields. 7. OK when done... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Microsoft Windows 95 ==================== From the Start menu go to Settings then select Control Panel. Go to Add/Remove Programs. Pick the Windows Setup tab. Highlight communication. Click on Details. Put a check in Dial-Up Networking. Follow the directions for installating the files. From the Control Panel double click the Network icon. If, underneath the client section you don’t have "Dial-Up Adapter" then go to Add, and select Adapter. In Adapter select Microsoft then the "Dial-Up Adapter". In properties under the Bindings tab, make sure that TCP/IP is bound with the Dial-Up Adapter. After you add adapter, it will add Netbios and IPX support automatically. You may add TCP/IP by selecting Add, Add Protocol, Microsoft TCP/IP. Go into the Properties of the TCP/IP section that is bound to the Dial-Up Adapter. There are six tabs: (you can change these settings here in Network or after you set up the Dial-Up Adapter. Bindings: No change required Advanced: If this is your only network protocol, you should check the Set this protocol to be the default protocol. DNS Configuration: Enable DNS Under DNS server Search Order add your primary and secondary DNS servers. (If you are using dynamically assigned DNS addresses, see the section following this one.) Under Host enter your last name (or any name) Under Domain Name enter your domain name IP Address: No change required WINS Configuration: Disable WINS Resolution Gateway: Add the address of your default router after that is done go to the start/programs/accessories/Dial-Up Networking. Click on Make New Connection and follow the Wizard’s instructions. After you’ve made a new connection, open up it’s properties and set Type of Server to PPP. Things that should be checked are: Log on to network TCP/IP Go to TCP/IP settings and check Specify Name Server Addresses Primary DNS, Secondary DNS Things that should be checked are: Use IP header Compression Use Default Gateway on Remote network After following these steps, able to click the connection you made and it will dial and set up the network for you. NOTE: If you are able to connect to the server and immediately get disconnected, we suggest you check the "Use Reliable mode" checkbox in your modem setup. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Windows 95 and NT Dynamic DNS ============================= If you are running Windows 95 or NT and would like to take advantage of the Foray PPP Server assigned DNS IP address... There are 2 places where you can turn ON/OFF DNS IP address assignment on a Windows 95 client. 1. In the "Control Panel" a) Double click the "Network" icon b) You Get the "Network" dialog box c) In the "Configuration" tab form, there is a list of "Network Components installed". One of these should be "TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter". Double Click on this OR highlight it and double click on the "Properties" button. d) In the "TCP/IP Properties" dialog, click on the "DNS Configuration" tab form. e) Make sure that "Disable DNS" radio button is selected. IF you decide to set the "Enable DNS" radio button, THIS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE TO WHAT EVER IS NEGOTIATED WHEN DIALING INTO THE FORAY PPP SERVER. 2. In the "Dial-Up Networking" a) Select the icon (this will be what you have named it. Lets call it Foray) that you have set up for your dial in connection and right click it. b) In the menu, select and click the "Properties" menu item. c) In the "FORAY" dialog box, select the "General" tab form. d) In the "General" form, click on the "Server Type" button. e) In the "Server Types" dialog box click on the "TCP/IP Settings..." button. f) In the "TCP/IP Settings" there are two radio buttons for DNS, "Server assigned name server addresses" and "Specify name server addresses". Make sure that "Server assigned name server addresses" is selected. WIN NT ====== 1. Run the "Remote Access" program. 2. Make sure that you add/edit you phone book entry. 3. In the "xxxx Phone Book Entry" dialog, click on the "Network" button. 4. In the "Network Protocol Settings" dialog, click on the "TCP/IP Settings" button. 5. In the "PPP TCP/IP Settings" dialog, there are two radio buttons for DNS, "Server assigned name server addresses" and "Specify name server addresses". Make sure that "Server assigned name server addresses" is selected. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CompuServe Spry's Internet in a Box =================================== The default MRU is set to 296, we suggest changing this to 1500. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IBM OS/2 Warp ==================================== 1. Make sure you have installed the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2 from the Warp BonusPak. If you did not purchase the Warp FullPack version, you will need to download the PPP driver from Compuserve, IBM BBS, etc. The non-FullPack Warp versions only contained SLIP drivers. 2. Open the "IBM Internet Connection for OS/2" folder on the desktop. 3. Open the "Internet Utilities" folder. 4. Run/execute "Dial Other Internet Providers". 5. In "IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP" click "Add Entry". a. Login Information - tab sheet You will need to enter: Name Description Login ID Password Phone Number and select PPP as connection type b. Connect Information - tab sheet You need to enter: Domain NameServer (ex. Default Router IP address) Your Domain Name (ex. TechSmith.Com) c. Server Information - tab sheet Ask your System Administrator for these IP addresses. d. Modem Information - tab sheet Select your modem, com port, and speed. 6. You should now be ready to dial. ================================================================== Copyright 1995-6 TechSmith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.