BlitzMark - by Mark Tebbutt BlitzMark is a little benchmark program that I knocked up in about 2 hours using Blitz Basic 2.1. I did this because of the need for a "quick" benchmark that wasn't as comprehensive as, say, AIBB but did not take hours to get results. BlitzMark is Freeware (as, let's face it, it's not that brilliant) and includes Blitz Source code so you can improve on my efforts as you like. You can modify and distribute your work as long as you contact me, sending details of your modifications (print-outs of new routines or a disk with the source, etc) and mention me when you make up your accompanying ReadMe. You will get results for a number of tests - each result split into "Time:" and "Index:". Time obviously shows how long the test took and Index somewhat less obviously shows how fast your system is against my own. For example, if you get an Index of 0.5 then your machine is half as fast as mine is on that particular test, but if an Index of 2 is achieved then your machine is twice as fast (it's a multiplier to those familiar with Maths terms). Here is a list of tests and what they do:- 1) Integer: Simply tests how quickly your computer can do +,-,*,/ (each executed approximately 20,000 times before results found. 2) Floating point: Uses Amiga Maths libraries to test speed at which operations using the number 1.3333333 in operations like +,-,*,/. Also executes about 20,000 times for each operator. 3) Array handling: Tests how quickly your system can create random numbers, put then in an array, sort them (if >=0.5 then 1, if <0.5 then 0) and then blast through the array surveying its contents. 4) Array sort: Creates an array, fills it with random numbers then sorts it into numerical orderusing Blitz's Sort x() routines. 5) Array copy: Creates a new array and sequentially scans through the array from the last test copying its contents into the newly created one. 6) Overall time: Just adds all times together. 7) Processor Index: 0=68000, 1=68010, 2=68020, 3=68030, 4=68040 and I have no idea about what it will bring up for a 68060! 8) Exec Index: Just gives the version number of your Kickstart ROMs, I believe. These routines are quite "dirty" as for the timing they latch onto the Vertical Blank Interrupt I'd love to hear about your results (especially from '060 owners) and, just for the record, my system is as follows:- - A1200 - Viper II 28MHz accelerator - 8Meg Fast RAM - 250Meg Hard Disk The index of 1.0 was achieved using the accelerator and, using the Commodore command "CPU": No FastROM, Instr cache with burst mode on, Data cache with burst mode off. With fastrom and data burst, though, an Index of approximately 1.2 was achieved. If you want to send me your results, here is my address:- Mark Tebbutt 12 Grenville Avenue Rhuddlan Denbighshire North Wales UK LL18 5PN And remember to look out for other stuff I've made like PrintServer 1.0 (utility) and The Road To World War (an AmigaGuideŽ)... ************************* DISCLAIMER ************************* I will not accept responsibility for any damage that occurs or appears to occur from the use of BlitzMark. You use it completely at your own risk. ************************************************************** DISTRIBUTION: Copy it to wherever you like, but if you make modifications then please inform me. Thanks.