CD-Rom Round-up

Ten On Ten
Almathera € 0181 687 0040 € £39.99

There are some things in life that you instinctively know make sense, and Almathera's offer of 10 CDs for forty quid - which works out at a mere four pounds for each disc - has to be one.

The only drawback might be if you have some of the discs already, because this limited-edition package is a mixture of several older CDs and just a few new ones. Not all the data is software - there's clip-art and fonts too, for instance - but most of the stuff on the discs is PD or Shareware.

Up first is Almathera's Comms and Networking CD, which contains comms software, networking tools and an extensive collection of Internet tools.

Discs two and three are a couple of classics - CDPD volumes 1 and 2, which contain a random selection of Amiga PD and Shareware. And fourth in line is another oldie, Demo 1, which as you might expect is a collection demos. Some of the demos, such as anims, will played from disc, but others may need de-compacting.

Disc five is an old CDTV multimedia atlas, with facts and maps for the nations of the world, while number six brings lovers of classical literature the Illustrated Works of William Shakespeare.

This excellent collection of 10 CDs also includes a demo of Photogenics 1.2.

Disc eight is for battle-sim fans, offering the classic Team Yankee, and disc nine is the Photo Library CD with tons of images, scanned, rendered or drawn. It also boasts a demo version of Photogenics 1.2 and some Photo CD images.

The final disc is full of fonts and clip-art. The clip-art images are in IFF format and are black and white, and fonts are supplied in three forms - CompuGraphic, PostScript and bitmap.

"This huge collection of software really does have something for everyone"


Light Rom Volume 2 - Texture Gallery - Ten On Ten - Animatic - Graphic Sensations