Finding the Software

This comparison of different systems is all very well, but it would be pretty useless if we didn't tell you where you could get hold of the systems involved.

Elm and Pine are both available from any Aminet FTP site, the nearest one of which is the Imperial College archives. The UUCP/Fido gateway systems can also be found at this site. The files can be obtained by ftp to:

Elm		  /pub/aminet/comm/mail/AmigaElm-v7157.lha
Pine	          /pub/aminet/comm/mail/pine391a_base.lha 
		  (You'll need both of these, but really, I wouldn't bother.)
AmiGate	          /pub/aminet/comm/fido/AmiGate14.lha UUCP/TD

Demon's own mail system can be found, naturally enough, on their FTP server. The archive also contains a number of other Internet-related utilities, principally aimed at Demon's own customers.

Demon Mail	 /pub/amiga/amitcp/installer/AmiDisUtils.lha

Rumour Mill

The Internet is a wonderful resource, providing a means of obtaining software and useful information. It is also a wonderful source for rumours, half-substantiated truths and outright lies.

This month's chief rumours concern the new Amigas which several people claim to know all about already. These pictures came out of that pit of gossip known as CiX, and were passed to me by a usually unreliable source. Make up your own mind as to their authenticity.

Do these pictures show the future shape of the Amiga? Certain nameless CiXen certainly think so.

Alt.religion.amiga is always good for a rumour or two, a fact in no way connected to the frequent presence, in electronic incarnation, of a certain Mat Bettison. Recently the contributors of this newsgroup have been getting their respective knickers in a twist about NetScape, and have convinced themselves that an Amiga version of this ever-so-useful web browser will be produced, if only enough people email the NetScape people and tell them that it would be a good idea.

There's no harm in a bit of wishful thinking, now, is there?

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