=== Amiga Format ===

Issue 71 - May 1995

Skip to ... Coverdisks, Seriously Amiga, Screen Play, AF Offers

=== Main Feature ===

Jimi Hendrix did it with a guitar. We show you how to do it with our Bars & Pipes Pro Coverdisk.

=== Amiga News ===

Buy-out latest

There's a new player in the Commodore buy-out stakes. We reveal all in this issue.

The latest Amiga news

=== Seriously Amiga ===

=== Tutorials ===

=== Screen Play ===

Every new Amiga game reviewed and rated!

Super Skidmarks 2 :
Have Acid created the greatest ever racing game? Find out in this issue.

Exile :
New version of a quirky adventure classic


Virocop, Ultimate Soccer Manager, Power House, Obsession, Turbo Trax, Conan The Conqueror, Flight Of The Amazon Queen, Super Skidmarks 2, TFX, Angst, Exile, Sword Of Honour


International Golf, Man Utd: The Double, Soccer Superstars, Ruffian

=== AF Offers ===

=== Regulars ===