Clip Art CD

Price � 9.99


The Clip Art CD contains over 600 megs of Clip Art for a PC or an Amiga. A seperate version of the CD is now available for each platform with Amiga version holding over 26,000 files and the PC version containing a conversion of the files to PCX and BMP. With both colour and black & white bitmap clipart and plenty of scaleable / structured clipart there is sure to be just the right image for your application.

Amiga Version
Bitmap in IFF format
Coloured in IFF format
Proclips, Pagestream & Pagesetter
EPS, IMG & Coreldraw

PC Version
Mono Bitmap in PCX format
Coloured Bitmap in BMP format
EPS format

Please be sure to request the correct version for your system.


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Copyright � 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 06, 1997