The Colour Library CD

Price � 9.99


The Colour Library not only contains the latest graphical PD from all over the world, the NET and BBS sources it also contains over 1,700 clipart and colour image files divided into various categories to aid selection. The files may be loaded or 'imported' into most of the popular desktop publishers, art packages, viewers and word processors directly from the CD-ROM.

Several useful utilities have been included to enhance the performance of this disc. First is FILLY GIF, allowing the viewing of any of the images on the compact disc, prior to use. Second is Photovision which is a full featured image manipulation viewing tool from Software Vision Corporation. Third is Envision Publisher which is a high quality desktop publisher. Additionally there is also many more popular shareware programs on the compact disc.


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Copyright � 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 06, 1997