Raytraced Q-Group Logo (but still not the final one :)
It's all very clever stuff!

Welcome to the Q-Group home pages where you will find information about FUBAR, and details about us.

100% Amiga Quality!!

We are currently looking for a publisher to commercially distribute FUBAR. Please, send all correspondence to Oondy.
Also, feel free to put a link on your web pages to this page!

Oondy's e-mail address has changed! Change your address books to:
>>> oondy@nildram.co.uk <<<

You can still use the original 101330.1207@compuserve.com address, but you will get a much quicker reply from the new one.

These pages were last updated on 10th June 1997 by Oondy.

Registrations are being processed!
If you have sent in your registration form and have not yet received the keyfile, be patient - it will arrive!

FUBAR - The Game of War! Here it is! Latest FUBAR news!
Downloads Contol Centre BETA available for downloading.
Now with full English documentation!!
About Q-Group Who we are
Our Aims What Q-Group hopes to achieve
Contacts Get in touch with us

These pages were created by Oondy and maintained by IanG.
Problems? E-mail the Webmaster: img4@aber.ac.uk.

This site has been accessed times since 28-Apr-97.
Thank you for visiting and we hope you will support us in the future by buying the actual game! :)
These pages are usually updated within 2 or 3 weeks - come back soon! :)

As seen on... The Amiga Web Directory

This site will be moved over the summer period (as the university that holds these pages will be "closed" - or IanG won't be there :) to http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~oondy (or YOUR web space here :) - but not yet!

Also, we are looking for people who would like to carry a mirror site of this on their web space/server. Mail Oondy if you would like to do this for your country.

Hello to all on #amiga and #worms! Oondy occasionally appears on there (like in the evenings GMT) so gave him a wave when you're on :).

FUBAR - The Game of War! | Downloads
About Q-Group | Our Aims | Contacts

�1997 Q-Group. All rights reserved.