Just a few odd things. I'll add to them when I find more...

  • My surname - Vost - is used in the French cinema as an acronym. It stands for "Version Originale Sous Titr�" or Original Version, subtitled.
  • The company that makes Matey bubble bath, so beloved in our childhoods, and Badedas, is none other than cake giant Sara Lee. What's the connection I wonder?
  • Did you know that 200 odd years ago it was common practice to use small working dogs inside a wheel to work the spit over the range to turn the meat as it was cooking? The dogs were slightly bigger than Jack Russells and to start their training they would be put into the wheel with hot embers placed under their paws
  • The Japanese way of referring to male masturbation is "senzuri suru." Yes. "Suru" means "to do," while "sen" means "one thousand" and "zuri" means "polishing." So there you have it. One thousand polishings.
  • Apart from humans, elephants are the only other mammals that actually cry. They also have four "knees", which is also unique in the mammalian kingdom
  • According to Fiona, the only reason you have to keep your eyes closed when you sneeze is that if you didn't they would fly out!
  • The only tube station in the London underground that doesn't have letters in its name that are contained in the word "mackerel" is St. Johns Wood!
  • Humble Pie - what's it made of? Well, the phrase is a mistransposition since it was originally "a numble pie". Numble used to mean deer offal in middle English. So there you go, humble pie means deer offal pie.

last updated: 29th October 1996