Amiga Flame - Game Developers - Details Needed

(*)Details Needed(*)

From here I hope to be able to link up Games companies or teams who are looking for a new member of their team. Whether they are looking for a graphics artist, programmer, musican or anyone else.

Hopefully this will lead to higher quality games being made as in the past developers have had problems getting a particular person and so the game has lacked in that area. This time they will have a greater chance of getting the people they want together to make a game for the Amiga. What is simply needed is:-

  • Type of Job (eg programmer, graphics artist, musican)
  • Description (of what they would be working on)
  • Developer (name of team or company)
  • Name and Contact E-mail address
Also if you wish to offer your services then you can put this info up here and perhaps a games developer will use you if he requires someone to help. What is simply needed is:-

  • Field of Work (the area you are best at, eg programmer)
  • Description (of what you would want to work on)
  • Previous work if any in related field of work.
  • Name and Contact E-mail address
E-mail all the details to Amiga Flame at:-


Amiga FlameĀ© 1997