Example web page Number 3

This is a normal web page which contains all the normal HTML formatting tags.

Even a link to a page which contains frames.

A form to request the user to enter text which is to be sent to the CGI script mas_form is shown below. This is introduced by the <INPUT> tag.

Generated form HTML markup required
 <FORM ACTION="http://host/cgi-bin/mas_form">
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name"
        SIZE=20 VALUE="Your name">

Right mouse click in frame to select a pop up menu, which will allow you to navigate back and forth between the selected URL's in the frame.

The material in these WWW page(s) is © M.A.Smith February 1996
(C) Last modified 14 February 1996
Comments, suggestions, etc. M.A.Smith@brighton.ac.uk