@database Krl @wordwrap @node "Main" @title "KRONICAL - Main Menu" ____ __________ ___ ___ ____ ____ | | / \ :+: ___ | \ | |______ / \ :+: | | |0 |/ ____ | \\ / \| \ | \ // \__ /\_ |0 | || _/ / |0 / / \ \| :|\___// /\ // \ || | :+: || \ \ || \ \ / | \\ \ | .|/ / /__\ // \|: _|____ |: \ \\|: |\ / | \\ |\ // \\ \/ / | \\. / |. |\ \\__ | \ \ / | \ // \\ / _ \\ // |__ | \ /_| \___\_____ /__| \__\_____ \ ____/____| \\__ //95 +===\/===\ _/===:+:=========\/===============\/=\/=========| _____\=\/==+ by ____ ____ ____/ _/______ ____/\ ________ ____/ /__ / _ __ ____// / \___\__ _ \____/ / ____/ / / // ___/_/ / / / / / / /\___ \_ / / / / / / / / / / / / /-------. / / / _/ / _/ / / _/ / _/ / _/ / -[dS]- | \______/\______/\______/ /\______/\______/\_______/ : \ \ \ \ \ \ / | / / / / / | \_____\/\_____\/\_____\/ |___/\/_____/\/______/ : Y \ /___ . ____ | ___\/ _/_______________ ________________ / /__ | / _ __ ____/\___ _/__\__ __/\__ _ \/ ____/ | / / // ___/_/ ___// / /___/ / /\___ \_ : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / : / / / / / / / / _/ / / / _/ / \______/\______/\______/ /\____ /___/\ /\_______/ \ \ \ \ \ \ / | /\/ / \/ / / . \_____\/\_____\/\_____\/ | / /___/\ /\/______/ . \ / \/ \/ Y : \/ : | | `--- -- ----------- --- -- -- - ---------- -- -------' --TABLE OF CONTENTS-- GENERAL: @{"Copyright Messages" link copy } @{"System Requirements and Assumptions" link system } @{"How to Install KRONICAL" link install } TUTORIAL: @{"How to use the Main Menu Screen" link MAI } @{"How to use the Update Music Screen" link UPD } @{"How to use the Update T-Shirts Screen" link UPT } @{"How to use the Update Posters Screen" link UPP } @{"How to use the Update Miscellaneous Screen" link UPM } @{"How to handle Suppliers" link SUP } @{"How to use the Music Sales Screen" link MUS } @{"How to use the T-Shirt Sales Screen" link TSH } @{"How to use the Posters Sales Screen" link PST } @{"How to use the Miscellaneous Screen" link MSC } @{"How to use the Gift Vouchure Screen" link GFT } @{"How to use the Report Generator Screen" link REP } APPENDIXES: @{"Summary (Technical Details)" link SUM } @{"Glossary" link GLO } @{"EXIT HELP" quit} @endnode @node "copy" "KRONICAL - COPYRIGHT MESSAGES" COPYRIGHT MESSAGE Kronical 1995-1996, Tony Hasselbacher and Rob Juhaniak Kickstart Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Workbench Commodore-Amiga, Inc. SAS/C SAS Institude @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "system" @title "KRONICAL - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS" SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND ASSUMPTIONS The following are the System Requirements:- * An Amiga Computer, with Kickstart V2.04+ * 1 meg of free memory (At bare minimum!) * A Hardrive The program Assumes that the User has the following skills:- * A Fair knowledge of how to use Workbenck V2.04+ @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "install" "KRONICAL - HOW TO INSTALL" HOW TO INSTALL "KRONICAL" This section tells you how to install Kronical to your Hard-Drive. The reason why you would want to do this is, so you can have nice and big datafiles. Also speeds up the program considerbly. HOW TO INSTALL KRONICAL Here are the steps in installing Kronical 1) Preload Workbench 2) Insert the Kronical Disk into drive DF0: 3) A "Kronical" Disk Icon will appear on the Screen 4) Double-Click on this Icon, using the Left-Mouse-Button. 5) Another window will appear. There should also be an INSTALL Icon. 6) Double-Click on this Icon, using the Left-Mouse-Button. 7) Wait for the install program to run. You will be prompted for where you want KRONICAL to be stored on your Hard-Drive (ie, DH1:KRONICAL) 8) Wait while it copies the necassary files over, and then it'll be finished. It will also join some stuff to your s:user-startup file 9) After it has finished, KRONICAL will be located in the Drawer you specified in Step 7. @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "MAI" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE MAIN MENU" HOW TO USE THE MAIN MENU SCREEN The Main Menu consists of several "buttons", that consist of a phrase. On each of these phrases consist of an activity that can be done. If you hold down the Right Mouse Button, you can access the Pull-Down-Menus. You can see the Menu Contents below: The following, describes what the Button/Menu Options do. About - Shows the About Screen Music Sale - To go to the Music Sales Screen T-Shirt Sale - To go to the T-Sales Sales Screen Poster Sale - To go to the Poster Sales Screen Miscellaneous Sale - To go to the Miscellaneous Sales Screen Add/Update Music - To go to the Music Update Screen Add/Update T-Shirt - To go to the T-Shirt Update Screen Add/Update Misc. Goods - To go to the Miscellaneous Goods Update Screen Add/Update Posters - To go to the Poster Update Screen Gift Vochure - To Make Gift Vochures Generate Report - To the Report Generator All the Screens are Explained in depth on the following Chapters @{"How to use the Update Music Screen" link UPD } @{"How to use the Update T-Shirts Screen" link UPT } @{"How to use the Update Posters Screen" link UPP } @{"How to use the Update Miscellaneous Screen" link UPM } @{"How to handle Suppliers" link SUP } @{"How to use the Music Sales Screen" link MUS } @{"How to use the T-Shirt Sales Screen" link TSH } @{"How to use the Posters Sales Screen" link PST } @{"How to use the Miscellaneous Screen" link MSC } @{"How to use the Gift Vouchure Screen" link GFT } @{"How to use the Report Generator Screen" link REP } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "UPD" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE UPDATE MUSIC SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE UPDATE MUSIC SCREEN This section is divided into 4 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link UPD1 } @{"How to Add an Music Item" link UPD3 } @{"How to Update an Music Item" link UPD2 } @{"How to Delete an Music Item" link UPD4 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "UPD1" "KRONICAL - A DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE MUSIC SCREEN" KRONICAL - A DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE MUSIC SCREEN The reason why you will want to use this screen, is to Add and Update Your current Stock. Here is a Description of what the buttons/gadgets mean:- Barcode # - The Barcode Number of the Music Item Artist's Name - The Name of the Artist Who Produced the Item Album's Name - The Name of this Artist's Work CD, MD, LP, VD - These state to which media that the Music Item is. The Definitions mean the following:- CD = Compact Disc MD = Audio Cassette LP = Vinyl Record VD = Video Tape Cost Price - The Cost Price of the Music Item Retail Price - The Retail Price of the Music Item QTY Recieved - The Quantity of Stock that You recieved Supplier's Name - The Name of the Supplier Contact Person - The Name of your agent in The Supplier, that you deal with Supplier's Phone Number - The Phone Number of the Contact Person Supplier's Address - The Address of your Contact Person ADD (Top Screen) - To ADD An Music Item to your Database UPDATE (Top Screen) - To UPDATE an Music Item to your Database DELETE (Top Screen) - This is to DELETE an Music Item from your Database ADD (Bottom Screen) - To ADD an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens) UPDATE (Bottom Screen) - To UPDATE an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens) DELETE (Bottom Screen) - To DELETE an Supplier. This will Delete the Supplier from ALL Add/Update Screens Supplier - This contains a list of all your current Suppliers. It is Alphabetically Sorted from top to bottom Supplier (In Between Album and Cost Price) - This is the Supplier's Name for this Music Item Record. OK & EXIT - Commit changes of the current record to the Database and exit to the Main Menu. CANCEL - Don't worry about commiting the data of the currently updated Music Item. This will cancel any Adds/Updates that may be currently happening. This returns to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Update Music Menu" link "UPD" 0} @endnode @node "UPD2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A NEW MUSIC ITEM" HOW TO MAKE A NEW MUSIC ITEM Here follows the steps in making a new record 1) Press the ADD button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 2) The cursor should be in the Barcode Field. Enter the item's Bar Code. 3) The cursor should be on the Artist Field. Enter the Artist who made this production. 4) The cursor should be on the Album Field. Enter the name of the Album. 5) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Enter how much it costs you to buy this item (in the format of $$$.cc) 6) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Enter how much it costs the public to buy this item (in the format of $$$.cc) 7) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Enter the number of items you recieved from your Supplier 8) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select what media that this item was (ie, was it an CD?, or LP?, or MD?, or VD?) by clicking on one of the Media Buttons 9) Then after that, Select an Supplier. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 10) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the New record to the database, or if you don't want to Add it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 11) Depending on your choice, it'll either commit the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Music Menu" link "UPD" 0} @endnode @node "UPD3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE AN MUSIC ITEM" HOW TO UPDATE AN MUSIC ITEM Here follows the steps in Updating a record 1) Insert the number of the item you want to update in the Barcode field. 2) Press the UPDATE button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) The cursor should be in the Barcode Field. Update the item's Bar Code, if necassary. 4) The cursor should be on the Artist Field. Update the Artist who made this production, if necassary. 5) The cursor should be on the Album Field. Update the Name of the Album, if necassary. 6) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Update how much it costs you to buy this item (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed. 7) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Update how much it costs the public to buy this item (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed. 8) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Update the number of items you recieved from your Supplier, if you recieved more stock. 9) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select the supplier that it came from. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 10) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the Updated record to the database, or if you don't want to Update it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 11) Depending on your choice, it'll either update the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Music Menu" link "UPD" 0} @endnode @node "UPD4" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE AN MUSIC ITEM" HOW TO DELETE AN MUSIC ITEM Here follows the steps in Deleting a Record 1) Enter the Barcode of the product you want to delete 2) Press Delete (The one in the on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) A screen will come up, saying weather you want to delete the file or not. 4) If you choicen to delete the record, it'll go to the next record in the file. @{"Go to back to the Update Music Menu" link "UPD" 0} @endnode @node "UPT" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE UPDATE T-SHIRTS SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE UPDATE T-SHIRT SCREEN This section is divided into 4 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link UPT1 } @{"How to Add a T-Shirt" link UPT3 } @{"How to Update a T-Shirt" link UPT2 } @{"How to Delete a T-Shirt" link UPT4 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "UPT1" "KRONICAL - Description OF THE UPDATE T-SHIRT SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE T-SHIRTS SCREEN The reason why you will want to use this screen, is to Add and Update Your current T-Shirt Stock. Here is a Description of what the buttons/gadgets mean:- T-Shirt # - The Number of the Shirt. This Number will be automatically generated by the program, so you can affix this number to the T-Shirt, on a sticker or so. Motif - This is a general description of the T-Shirt. Small, Medium, Large, X-Lage, XX-Large, Other - These are the various sizes of T-Shirt that are available. Cost Price - The Cost Price of the T-Shirt Retail Price - The Retail Price of the T-Shirt QTY Recieved - The Quantity of Stock that You recieved Supplier's Name - The Name of the Supplier Contact Person - The Name of your agent in The Supplier, that you deal with Supplier's Phone Number - The Phone Number of the Contact Person Supplier's Address - The Address of your Contact Person ADD (Top Screen) - To ADD An T-Shirt to your Database UPDATE (Top Screen) - To UPDATE an T-Shirt to your Database DELETE (Top Screen) - This is to DELETE an T-Shirt from your Database ADD (Bottom Screen) - To ADD an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens) UPDATE (Bottom Screen) - To UPDATE an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens) DELETE (Bottom Screen) - To DELETE an Supplier. This will Delete the Supplier from ALL Add/Update Screens Supplier - This contains a list of all your current Suppliers. It is Alphabetically Sorted from top to bottom Supplier (In Between Album and Cost Price) - This is the Supplier's Name for this T-Shirt Record. OK & EXIT - Commit changes of the current record to the Database and exit to the Main Menu. CANCEL - Don't worry about commiting the data of the currently updated/added T-Shirt. This will cancel any Adds/Updates that may be currently happening. This returns to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Update T-Shirt Menu" link "UPT" 0} @endnode @node "UPT2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A NEW NEW T-SHIRT" HOW TO MAKE A NEW T-SHIRT Here follows the steps in making a new T-Shirt 1) Press the ADD button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 2) The cursor should be on the Motif Field. Enter a short description of the T-Shirt. 3) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Enter how much it costs you to buy the T-Shirt (in the format of $$$.cc) 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Enter how much it costs the public to buy the T-Shirt (in the format of $$$.cc) 5) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Enter the number of T-Shirts you recieved from your Supplier 6) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select what size the T-Shirt was (ie, was it Small?, Large, Other?, etc..) by clicking on one of the Size Buttons 7) Then after that, Select an Supplier. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 8) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the New record to the database, or if you don't want to Add it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No",to accordance of your choice. 9) Depending on your choice, it'll either commit the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update T-Shirt Menu" link "UPT" 0} @endnode @node "UPT3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE AN T-SHIRT" HOW TO UPDATE A T-SHIRT ITEM Here follows the steps in Updating a T-Shirt 1) Enter the number of the T-Shirt that you want to update in the T-Shirt # field. 2) Press the UPDATE button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) The cursor should be on the Motif Field. Update the Description of the T-Shirt, if necassary. 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Update how much it costs you to buy this T-Shirt (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 5) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Update how much it costs the public to buy this T-Shirt (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 6) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Update the number of T-Shirts, of this kind, you recieved from your Supplier, if you recieved more stock 7) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select the supplier that it came from. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 8) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the Updated record to the database, or if you don't want to Update it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 9) Depending on your choice, it'll either update the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update T-Shirt Menu" link "UPT" 0} @endnode @node "UPT4" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE AN T-SHIRT" HOW TO DELETE A T-SHIRT Here follows the steps in Deleting a T-SHIRT 1) Enter the T-Shirt Number of the T-Shirt you want to delete 2) Press Delete (The one in the on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) A screen will come up, saying weather you want to delete the file or not. 4) If you choicen to delete the record, it'll go to the next record in the file. @{"Go to back to the Update T-Shirt Menu" link "UPT" 0} @endnode @node "UPP" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE UPDATE POSTERS SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE UPDATE POSTERS SCREEN This section is divided into 4 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link UPP1 } @{"How to Add an Poster" link UPP3 } @{"How to Update a Poster" link UPP2 } @{"How to Delete an Poster" link UPP4 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "UPP1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE POSTERS SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE POSTERS SCREEN The reason why you will want to use this screen, is to Add and Update Your current Poster Stock. Here is a Description of what the buttons/gadgets mean:- Poster # - The Number of the Poster. This Number will be automatically generated by the program, so you can affix this number to the Poster, on a sticker or so. Description - This is a general description of the Poster. Cost Price - The Cost Price of the Poster. Retail Price - The Retail Price of the Poster. QTY Recieved - The Quantity of Stock that You recieved. Supplier's Name - The Name of the Supplier. Contact Person - The Name of your agent in The Supplier, that you deal with. Supplier's Phone Number - The Phone Number of the Contact Person. Supplier's Address - The Address of your Contact Person. ADD (Top Screen) - To ADD a Poster to your Database. UPDATE (Top Screen) - To UPDATE a Poster to your Database. DELETE (Top Screen) - This is to DELETE an Poster from your Database. ADD (Bottom Screen) - To ADD an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens). UPDATE (Bottom Screen) - To UPDATE an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens). DELETE (Bottom Screen) - To DELETE an Supplier. This will Delete the Supplier from ALL Add/Update Screens. Supplier - This contains a list of all your current Suppliers. It is Alphabetically Sorted from top to bottom. Supplier (In Between Album and Cost Price) - This is the Supplier's Name for this Poster. OK & EXIT - Commit changes of the current record to the Database and exit to the Main Menu. CANCEL - Don't worry about commiting the data of the currently updated Poster. This will cancel any Adds/Updates that may be currently happening. This returns to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Update Poster Menu" link "UPP" 0} @endnode @node "UPP2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A NEW POSTER" HOW TO MAKE A NEW POSTER Here follows the steps in making a new Poster. 1) Press the ADD button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 2) The cursor should be on the Description Field. Enter a short description of the Poster. 3) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Enter how much it costs you to buy the Poster for. (in the format of $$$.cc) 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Enter how much it costs the public to buy the Poster (in the format of $$$.cc) 5) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Enter the number of Posters you recieved from your Supplier 6) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, Select an Supplier. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 7) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the New record to the database, or if you don't want to Add it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 8) Depending on your choice, it'll either commit the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Poster Menu" link "UPP" 0} @endnode @node "UPP3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE AN POSTER" HOW TO UPDATE A POSTER Here follows the steps in Updating a Poster 1) Type in the number of the particular item that you want to update, in the Poster # Field. 2) Press the UPDATE button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) The cursor should be on the Description Field. Update the Description of the Poster, if necassary. 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Update How much it costs you to buy this Poster (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 5) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Update how much it costs the public to buy this Poster (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 6) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Update the number of Posters, of this kind, you recieved from your Supplier, if you recieved more stock 7) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select the supplier that it came from. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 8) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the Updated record to the database, or if you don't want to Update it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 9) Depending on your choice, it'll either update the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Poster Menu" link "UPP" 0} @endnode @node "UPP4" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE A POSTER" HOW TO DELETE A POSTER Here follows the steps in Deleting a Poster 1) Enter the Poster Number of the Poster you want to delete 2) Press Delete (The one in the on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) A screen will come up, saying weather you want to delete the file or not. 4) If you choicen to delete the record, it'll go to the next record in the file. @{"Go to back to the Update Poster Menu" link "UPP" 0} @endnode @node "UPM" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS GOODS SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS GOODS SCREEN This section is divided into 4 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link UPM1 } @{"How to Add an Miscellaneous Item" link UPM3 } @{"How to Update an Miscellaneous Item" link UPM2 } @{"How to Delete an Miscellaneous Item" link UPM4 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "UPM1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS GOODS SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS GOODS SCREEN The reason why you will want to use this screen, is to Add and Update Your current Poster Stock. Here is a Description of what the buttons/gadgets mean:- Misc # - The Number of the Miscellaneous Item. This Number can either be an Barcode, or if no Barcode is present, it can be assigned a number automatically by the computer. Description - This is a general description of the Miscellaneous Item. Cost Price - The Cost Price of the Miscellaneous Item. Retail Price - The Retail Price of the Miscellaneous Item. QTY Recieved - The Quantity of Stock that You recieved. Supplier's Name - The Name of the Supplier. Contact Person - The Name of your agent in The Supplier, that you deal with. Supplier's Phone Number - The Phone Number of the Contact Person. Supplier's Address - The Address of your Contact Person. ADD (Top Screen) - To ADD a Poster to your Database. UPDATE (Top Screen) - To UPDATE a Miscellaneous Item to your Database. DELETE (Top Screen) - This is to DELETE an Miscellaneous Item from your Database. ADD (Bottom Screen) - To ADD an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens). UPDATE (Bottom Screen) - To UPDATE an Supplier (Available on ALL Add/Update Screens). DELETE (Bottom Screen) - To DELETE an Supplier. This will Delete the Supplier from ALL Add/Update Screens. Supplier - This contains a list of all your current Suppliers. It is Alphabetically Sorted from top to bottom. Supplier (In Between Album and Cost Price) - This is the Supplier's Name for the Miscellaneous Item. OK & EXIT - Commit changes of the current record to the Database and exit to the Main Menu. CANCEL - Don't worry about commiting the data of the currently updated Miscellaneous Item. This will cancel any Adds/Updates that may be currently happening. This returns to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Update Miscellaneous Menu" link "UPM" 0} @endnode @node "UPM2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO ADD A NEW MISCELLANEOUS ITEM" HOW TO MAKE A NEW MISCELLANEOUS ITEM Here follows the steps in making a new Miscellaneous. 1) Press the ADD button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 2) The cursor will be on the Misc # field. If the item has barcode, then enter it, else if the item dosn't have an Barcode, then just press return. 3) The cursor should be on the Description Field. Enter a short description of the Miscellaneous Item. 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Enter how much it costs you to buy this Miscellaneous Item for. (in the format of $$$.cc) 5) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Enter how much it costs the public to buy this Miscellaneous Item (in the format of $$$.cc) 6) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Enter the number of Posters you recieved from your Supplier 7) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, Select an Supplier. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 8) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the New record to the database, or if you don't want to Add it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 9) Depending on your choice, it'll either commit the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Miscellaneous Menu" link "UPM" 0} @endnode @node "UPM3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM" HOW TO UPDATE A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM Here follows the steps in Updating a Miscellaneous Item 1) Type in the number of the particular item that you want to update, in the Misc# Field. 2) Press the UPDATE button (The one on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) The cursor should be on the Description Field. Update the Description of the Miscellaneous Item, if necassary. 4) The cursor should now jump onto the Cost Price Field. Update how much it costs you to buy this Miscellaneous Item (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 5) The cursor should now jump onto the Retail Price Field. Update how much it costs the public to buy this Miscellaneous Item (in the format of $$$.cc), if needed 6) The cursor will be in the QTY Recieved Field. Update the number of Miscellaneous Items, of this kind, you recieved from your Supplier, if you recieved more stock 7) A window saying "Please Select Supplier" Will pop up. Now, select the supplier that it came from. If the supplier dosen't exist, read "How to make an Supplier", and then return here. 8) After a Supplier has been selected, then a window will come up, saying if you want to either, Commit the Updated record to the database, or if you don't want to Update it. Either Click on "Yes" or "No", to accordance of your choice. 9) Depending on your choice, it'll either update the record to the Database, or just clear the fields. @{"Go to back to the Update Miscellaneous Menu" link "UPM" 0} @endnode @node "UPM4" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM" HOW TO DELETE A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM Here follows the steps in Deleting a Miscellaneous Item 1) Enter the Miscellanous Item Number of the Miscellaneous Item you want to delete 2) Press Delete (The one in the on the Top Half of the Screen) 3) A screen will come up, saying weather you want to delete the file or not. 4) If you choicen to delete the record, it'll go to the next record in the file. @{"Go to back to the Update Miscellaneous Menu" link "UPM" 0} @endnode @node "SUP" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE SUPPLIERS" HOW TO USE SUPPLIERS In this Part, you will learn how to use the Suppliers. All these buttons refer to the bottom half of all the Add/Update Screens. All the Suppliers will be available on all the Add/Update screens, so you only have to enter an Supplier only once. This section is divided into 3 sections:- @{"How to Make a Supplier" link "SUP1"} @{"How to Update a Supplier" link "SUP2"} @{"How to Delete a Supplier" link "SUP3"} @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "SUP1" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A SUPPLIER" HOW TO MAKE A SUPPLIER Here follows the steps to make a new Supplier 1) Click on the ADD button (The one on the Bottom Half of the Screen). 2) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Name Field. Enter the Supplier's Name Here 3) The cursor should be on the Contact Person's Field. Enter the Person to who you order your stuff through. 4) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Phone Field. Enter the Phone Number of your Contact 5) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Address Field. Enter the Address of the Supplier. 6) A window should come up to say if you want to Add the Supplier to the database. Enter "YES" or "No", according to what you selected 7) Now, the Supplier should appear in the list on the bottom left-hand-side of the screen. You may have to scroll the window with the Up and Down Arrows. It will be inserted into the list alphabetically. @{"Go to back to the Supplier Menu" link "SUP" 0} @endnode @node "SUP2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE A SUPPLIER" HOW TO UPDATE AN SUPPLIER Here follows the steps to update a supplier 1) Click on the UPDATE button (The one on the Bottom Half of the screen). 2) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Name Field. Update the Supplier's Name Here, if needed 3) The cursor should be on the Contact Person's Field. Update the Person to who you order your stuff through, if needed 4) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Phone Field. Update the Phone Number of your Contact, if needed 5) The cursor should be on the Supplier's Address Field. Update the Address of the Supplier, if needed 6) A window should come up to say if you want to Add the Supplier to the database. Enter "YES" or "No", according to what you selected 7) Now, the Supplier should appear in the list on the bottom left-hand-side of the screen. You may have to scroll the window with the Up and Down Arrows. It will be inserted into the list alphabetically. @{"Go to back to the Supplier Menu" link "SUP" 0} @endnode @node "SUP3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE A SUPPLIER" HOW TO DELETE AN MUSIC ITEM Here follows the steps in Deleting a Supplier 1) Select the Supplier from the Supplier List (Left-Hand-Side on the Bottom of the screen) 2) Press the Delete Button (The one on the Bottom of the Screen). 3) It will verify to see if you really want to delete it. 4) If you choisen to delete it, then it'll disappear from the Supplier List. @{"Go to back to the Supplier Menu" link "SUP" 0} @endnode @node "MUS" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE MUSIC SALES SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE MUSIC SALES SCREEN This section is divided into 2 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link MUS1 } @{"How to Sell a Music Item" link MUS2 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "MUS1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE MUSIC SALES SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE MUSIC SALES SCREEN The reason that you will want to use this screen, is to sell an Music Item, albeit an CD, MD, LP, VD. Here is an short description of all the buttons/fields that are on the screen. Barcode - This is the Barcode of the particular Music Item. Artist - This is the Name of the Artist. Album - This is the Name of the Album by the particular Artist Type - This is weather it was on CD, MD, LP, or VD. Price - This is the Retail Price of this item. Quantity left on Hand - The amount of this Music Item you have in Stock. SELL - This button is used to sell the particulr item. MAIN MENU - This button is to skip back to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Music Sales Menu" link "MUS" 0} @endnode @node "MUS2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO SELL A MUSIC ITEM" HOW TO SELL A MUSIC ITEM This is how you sell the item. Here are the following steps in doing 1) Enter the Barcode of the Item that you want to sell. 2) If you entered the Barcode correctly, all the details of the Music Item will appear. (ie, the Artist, Album, etc..) 3) If there is a window that has appeared, stating that it can't find the record, then go back to step 1. 4) If you are sure that it is the proper item, press the SELL button. This will prompt up a window, verifing that you are sure. Press "YES" or "NO". 5) If you want to sell another Music Item, then enter another Barcode in the Barcode field. @{"Go to back to the Music Sales Menu" link "MUS" 0} @endnode @node "TSH" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE T-SHIRTS SALES SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE T-SHIRTS SALES SCREEN This section is divided into 2 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link TSH1 } @{"How to Sell a T-Shirt" link TSH2 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "TSH1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE T-SHIRT SALES SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE T-SHIRT SALES SCREEN The reason that you will want to use this screen, is to sell a T-Shirt. Here is an short description of all the buttons/fields that are on the screen. T-Shirt # - This is the number of the particular T-Shirt. Motif - This is the general description of the T-Shirt. Size - This staes that the size of the T-Shirt. Price - This is the Retail Price of this item. Quantity Left on Hand - This tells you how many T-Shirts, of this type that you have left in stock. SELL - This button is used to sell the particular item. MAIN MENU - This button is to skip back to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the T-Shirt Sales Menu" link "TSH" 0} @endnode @node "TSH2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO SELL A T-SHIRT" HOW TO SELL A T-SHIRT This is how you sell a T-Shirt. Here are the following steps in doing 1) Enter the Number of the T-Shirt that you want to sell. 2) If you entered the number correctly, all the details of the T-Shirt will appear. (ie, the Motif, Size, etc..) 3) If there is a window that has appeared, stating that it can't find the record, then go back to step 1. 4) If you are sure that it is the proper item, press the SELL button. This will prompt up a window, verifing that you are sure. Press "YES" or "NO". 5) If you want to sell another T-Shirt, then enter another T-Shirt Number in the T-Shirt # field. @{"Go to back to the T-Shirt Menu" link "TSH" 0} @endnode @node "PST" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE POSTER SALES SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE POSTER SALES SCREEN This section is divided into 2 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link PST1 } @{"How to Sell a Poster" link PST2 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "PST1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE POSTER SALES SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE POSTER SALES SCREEN The reason that you will want to use this screen, is to sell a Poster. Here is an short description of all the buttons/fields that are on the screen. Poster # - This is the number of the particular Poster. Motif - This is the general description of the Poster. Price - This is the Retail Price of this item. Quantity Left in Stock - This is the number of Posters, of this description that you have left in stock. SELL - This button is used to sell the particular item. MAIN MENU - This button is to skip back to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Poster Menu" link "PST" 0} @endnode @node "PST2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO SELL A POSTER" HOW TO SELL A POSTER This is how you sell a Poster. Here are the following steps in doing 1) Enter the Number of the Poster that you want to sell. 2) If you entered the number correctly, all the details of the Poster will appear. (ie, the Motif, Price, etc..) 3) If there is a window that has appeared, stating that it can't find the record, then go back to step 1. 4) If you are sure that it is the proper item, press the SELL button. This will prompt up a window, verifing that you are sure. Press "YES" or "NO". 5) If you want to sell another Poster, then enter another Poster Number in the Poster field. @{"Go to back to the T-Shirt Menu" link "TSH" 0} @endnode @node "MSC" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE MISCELLANEOUS SALES SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE MISCELLANEOUS SALES SCREEN This section is divided into 2 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link MSC1 } @{"How to Sell a Miscellaneous Item" link MSC2 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "MSC1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE MISCELLANEOUS SALES SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE MISCELLANEOUS SALES SCREEN The reason that you will want to use this screen, is to sell a Miscellaneous Item. Here is an short description of all the buttons/fields that are on the screen. Misc # - This is the number of the particular Miscellaneous Item. Motif - This is the general description of the Miscellaneous Item. Price - This is the Retail Price of this item. Quantity Left in Stock - This is the number of Miscellaneous Item, of this description that you have left in stock. SELL - This button is used to sell the particular item. MAIN MENU - This button is to skip back to the Main Menu. @{"Go to back to the Miscellaneous Sales Menu" link "MSC" 0} @endnode @node "MSC2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO SELL A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM" HOW TO SELL A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM This is how you sell a Poster. Here are the following steps in doing 1) Enter the Number of the Poster that you want to sell. 2) If you entered the number correctly, all the details of the Poster will appear. (ie, the Motif, Price, etc..) 3) If there is a window that has appeared, stating that it can't find the record, then go back to step 1. 4) If you are sure that it is the proper item, press the SELL button. This will prompt up a window, verifing that you are sure. Press "YES" or "NO". 5) If you want to sell another Poster, then enter another Poster Number in the Poster field. @{"Go to back to the Miscellaneous Sales Menu" link "MSC" 0} @endnode @node "GFT" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE GIFT VOUCHERS SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE GIFT VOUCHERS SCREEN This section is divided into 4 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link GFT1 } @{"How to Make a Gift Voucher" link GFT2 } @{"How to Update a Gift Voucher" link GFT3 } @{"How to Delete a Gift Voucher" link GFT4 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "GFT1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE GIFT VOUCHER SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE GIFT VOUCHER WINDOW The reason that you will want to use this screen, is to sell a Miscellaneous Item. Here is an short description of all the buttons/fields that are on the screen. Gift # - This is the number of the Gift Voucher. This number is assigned by the computer. Amount - This is the value of the amount that the Gift Voucher will be credited with. Main Menu - To go back to the Main Menu. Invalidate - To delete a Gift Voucher. @{"Go to back to the Gift Voucher Menu" link "GFT" 0} @endnode @node "GFT2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A GIFT VOUCHER" HOW TO MAKE A GIFT VOUCHER This is how you issue a Gift Voucher. Here follows how you would make a new Gift Voucher. 1) Enter the vale of the Gift Voucher into the Amount field. 2) A window will appear asking if this was the right amount. 3) If you selected "YES", then the number of the Gift Voucher will appear in the Gift #. @{"Go to back to the Gift Voucher Menu" link "GFT" 0} @endnode @node "GFT3" "KRONICAL - HOW TO UPDATE A GIFT VOUCHER" HOW TO UPDATE A GIFT VOUCHER This is how you update the value of a Gift Voucher. Here follows the instructions to update a Gift Voucher. 1) Enter the number of the Gift Voucher in the Gift # field. 2) The cursor will now be on the Amount field. Enter the new amount of the Gift Voucher. 3) A window will come up to say if you are sure that you want to update this Gift Voucher, and depending on your answer, it will commit the details to the database or not. @{"Go to back to the Gift Voucher Menu" link "GFT" 0} @endnode @node "GFT4" "KRONICAL - HOW TO DELETE A GIFT VOUCHER" HOW TO DELETE A GIFT VOUCHER This is the way you delete a Gift Voucher. Here follows the steps to delete a Gift Voucher. 1) Enter the number of the Gift Voucher in the Gift # field. 2) Press the INVALIDATE button. 3) Then a window will appear asking if you are sure that you want to delete this Gift Voucher. Depending on your answer, it'll either delete it or not. @{"Go to back to the Gift Voucher Menu" link "GFT" 0} @endnode @node "REP" "KRONICAL - HOW TO USE THE REPORT GENERATOR SCREEN" HOW TO USE THE REPORT GENERATOR SCREEN This section is divided into 2 sections:- @{"Description of the Screen" link REP1 } @{"How to use the Report Generator" link REP2 } @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "REP1" "KRONICAL - DESCRIPTION OF THE REPORT GENERATOR SCREEN" DESCRIPTION OF THE REPORT GENERATATOR SCREEN You would use this screen to generate sales reports. The Sales reports will be made into the Kronical's DATA Direcotory. To view the reports, you have see it from Workbench. Several different Reports are available, and they are:- Music Sales Report - A report of what you Sold Music Report - A Stock report, of What you have in Stock T-Shirt Sales Report - A report of what you Sold T-Shirt Report - A Stock report, of What you have in Stock Poster Sales Report - A report of what you Sold Poster Report - A Stock report, of What you have in Stock Miscellaneous Sales Report - A report of what you Sold Miscellaneous Report - A Stock report, of What you have in Stock Supplier Report - A List of Your current Suppliers @{"Go to back to the Report Generator Menu" link "REP" 0} @endnode @node "REP2" "KRONICAL - HOW TO MAKE A REPORT" HOW TO MAKE A REPORT This is how you make a report 1) Click on the Icon of what Report you want to generate. 2) The Report will appear onto the Screen Shortly afterwards. NOTE: If You select the "Report All" button, it will produce all the reports. @{"Go to back to the Report Generator Menu" link "REP" 0} @endnode @node "SUM" "KRONICAL - SUMMARY SUMMANY (TECHNICAL DETAILS) Here are some technical detail that is about Kronical. Kronical was developed 100% in SAS/C V6.5. For more information, about the coding, please refer to the "Technical Reference" @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode @node "GLO" "KRONICAL - GLOSSARY" GLOSSARY Here, are some definititions of various Terms used in this Manual Button : A raised area on the screen, with text in it. CD : Compact Disk Kickstart : The Name of Amiga Rom Kernal LP : Vinyl Record MD : Music Tape Workbench : The Name of the Amiga's Operating System VD : Video @{"Go to back to the Main Menu" link "main" 0} @endnode