Bombman! - December 9, 1996 - Version 2.1 - By Israel Geron T. -------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ I start programing Bombman as soon as I found the GDK library in the MSDN CD-ROM. The idea of writting a game, something I didn't do for a long time ( Since my C64 childhood days ) made me happy. I had different thoughts about the game I want to ReMake and finally I chose this game because it is one of my favourits and it seems the most easy to make. I tried to stick to the original design, using an old photograph for the first version, and the the real thing for the second version ( it seems to be that picture was very different from the original ). When I played again in the original game I noticed many things that not implemented in the first version like pattern in the criminal movements ( one wave is wild and the next one is not ), his smile when you fail... and many other things so I tried to implement them too. The game has been developed with MSVC 4.2 with the GDK, My Shrink Icons Editor during strange hours, and I hope it has the original game 'feel' and spirit. System Requirements: -------------------- This program requires Windows 95 with DirectX or Windows NT 4.0. Sound Notes: -------------------- This program contains routines to play digital sound on any sound card because the DirectSound routines. Distribution: ------------- Freely distribute this game under the following condition: always distribute the following files, contained in the original upload ZIPfile: None of the following files may be modified! BOMBMAN.EXE README.TXT Controls: --------- Use mouse for side-to-side movement. Use left mouse button to start bombs dropping. Additional Keys: ---------------- [F1] - Start the game. [F2] - Turn sound on and off. [ESC] - Quit game. Game Rules: ----------- Bombman! features a mad criminal who moves randomly across the top area of the screen, raining bombs down upon you. Your mission is to catch the bombs with your buckets of water. When the game starts, you have three buckets of water to catch the Bombman falling bombs. Each time you miss catching a bomb you lose one of your beloved buckets. When all of your buckets are gone ... GAME OVER. You will get a New Bucket for every 1000 points you score only if you have less than three buckets. However you may never have more than three buckets. Scoring: -------- Every bomb you catch is worth 1 point multiplied by the wave number. Each wave has more and more bombs. Additional Credits: ------------------- Thanks to my beloved wife Ifat who was patient to all my crazy ideas and helped me to test the game. Also Thanks to Yaron Golan & Alex Zlatkin for testing the game. Additional Notes: ----------------- This game is complete freeware, you don't have to register/pay/contribute or whatever, it's free !!. This software is provided "as-is," and I sincerely hope that you enjoy playing the game. If you feel it is worthwhile just send me a postcard to this address: Israel Geron T. Country: Israel City: Herzeliya Street: Bney Binyamin 23b Zip Code: 46362 Internet Support: ----------------- Contact for support via email.