Anthony Carin P.O. Box 623 Plainsboro, NJ 08536-0623 Email: Send a registration fee of $10 and list 10 of the following programs you wish to receive in one disk. TC Image Editor is an editor to modify any image file for any one of the games. The image files can also be edited by a general file editor but this editor displays the image while you change it. This program runs in DOS and must include the name of the image file. If the image file is not included in the command line, then the file world.img in the current directory will be used. For example: editimg ..\pingpong\pingpong.img (The file in the ping-pong directory will be the file to edit) TC Virtual World is a 3D shoot-em-up game against opposing tanks, planes and helicopters. Shoot at opposing vehicles. Shoot down the drivers once they escape their exploding vehicles. Gain enough points to buy more and better weapons. Chase down wounded vehicles when they try to escape. Each level may encounter a different vehicle or quantity of vehicles. A good strategy is to change your design frequently after you gain new points. Each point you earn can buy you more guns, shields and weapons. 3D Ping pong game against the computer. First one to reach 21 points wins. A good strategy is to control the direction of the ball. This can be done by hitting the ball with the paddle slightly to the left or right. TC Robot Bout is a 3D game of fighting robots, mainly different moves of punching and kicking, against the computer. The way of attacking or blocking is determined by the area of the screen where the mouse cursor is located. Once either robot's limbs are too badly damaged, it would stop working. It is possible for both robots to fight against each other each with only one limb. A good strategy is to attack in combinations of low and high. Once you attack the upper body and the opposing robot blocks, immediately follow with an attack to the lower body. TC Choplifter is a 3D helicopter game where you destroy opposing tanks and planes and save hostages on the ground. Each level changes with different combinations of tanks, planes and quantity of either vehicle. A good strategy is to retrieve the hostage first. Heavy combat may accidentally kill the hostage with a stray bullet. TC Joust is a 3D game of knights mounted on giant birds against one another in a mid-air joust. Each level changes to another bout with a different bird. A good strategy is to settle yourself a good distance away from the other bird before you attack. Once you and the other bird are facing each other approach the other bird to attack. TC Trekwar is a 3D space game where, level after level, you shoot and destroy opposing alien ships. Later levels feature cloaking space ships. A good strategy is to use your phasers when you can actually make a hit. Otherwise use the guided photon torpedoes when you cannot reach with phasers. Attack only those ships that are actually shooting back. Other ships may not be able to hit you from their range. TC Asteroids is a 3D shoot-em-up game where the objective is to shoot at or maneuver around passing asteroids. This game also features alien saucers persistently attacking as an added challenge. A good strategy is to destroy all the smaller fragments first. If aliens exist, destroy them first because they can be more damaging than asteroids. TC Skirmish is a 3D capture the flag, paint ball shooting game where the objective is to capture the opposing flag and then your own while avoiding enemy fire behind trees. It is necessary to shoot back behind trees and eliminate as many of the opposing team before retrieving their flag. This game features 3D animation through a pine forest. A good strategy is to hide behind the trees and shoot at the other people until there is no one left to stop you from retrieving the flag. TC Defender is a 3D shoot-em-up game where you guide your ship against hostile aliens. The opposing aliens can capture your friends on the ground and turn them against you. Once they capture one of your people, you will have time to save him by shooting down the alien ship before they can turn him against you. A good strategy is to allow the alien ship to follow you until it is in a good angle to shoot back at. TC Invaders is a 3D game of an anti-aircraft tank verses any number of hostile aliens in the sky. You must align your tank underneath the alien ship and shoot. The alien ships also fire back when your tank is within their range. The aliens will also descend closer to the ground. The closer the aliens are, the easier it is for them to hit you. A good strategy is to attack those aliens in groups while holding down the fire button. Pass under the group while firing may shoot down several ships before they have the chance to hit you. TC Swordplay is a game where you block and lunge your sword against the computer's sword. A hit is made on the computer when you are able to maneuver your sword past the computer's sword. Also, a hit is made on you when the computer's sword is able to pass your sword. The trick is to get past the computer's defenses and strike the computer before you get hit. A good strategy is to lunge your sword while changing direction simultaneously. TC Space Fighter is a 3D space game where you engage in dog fights between other ships and avoid floating space debris. Each level contains different combinations of random debris and opposing ships. A good strategy is to use the floating debris against the other ships. When you are being chased, break up an asteroid just before you pass it. That way any ships following you may crash into them. If you are chasing a ship, there is a higher probability of the ship crashing into an asteroid if there are more fragments. TC Demolition Derby is a 3D automobile demolition game where the objective is to destroy all other cars while preventing too much damage on your own car. With each new level, more cars will be introduced into the contest. After every contest you will be able to fortify each side of your car. A good strategy is to keep the fuel level at 100 percent and fortify the front and back side the most. The right and left side is not used too much when you propel your vehicle into a group of cars. Check your status frequently to determine which side is mostly damage. Then attack with your most fortified side. The most damage occurs when there is a longer running start. Running Shoes is a silly 3D action game of chasing and changing into a new pair of shoes. With each new level a different running shoe will wander around. In order for you to get the latest shoe, you must chase after it and time your jump into the wandering shoe. If you make a successful hit, then you will get a new pair of shoes. Utilize the radar at the bottom of the screen to know what direction to follow. Jump on an offensive cars to get rid of them and avoid being on the ground when they run over you. TC Tennis is a silly 3D tennis game against the computer. You can control the tennis player to chase the ball in any direction. The computer will always serve the tennis ball right toward you. In order for you to return the serve, you may either swing your racket on your left side or right side depending on which side the ball is. When the computer returns the ball, you may have to chase it in order for you to hit it back. The computer is not a perfect tennis player. Your objective is to keep up a good volley until the computer makes a mistake. TC Basketball is a 3D game of one on one. Many of the common sense strategies of basketball apply to this game. You should try to retrieve the ball from your opponent at all times. Once you get the ball away, bring the ball back to the half court and take a shot at the basket. If your opponent has the ball, stay under the basket and jump at the same time when your opponent makes a shot. You are also more effective making jump shots than shooting from the ground. You get a better chance of keeping the ball if you are constantly moving away from your opponent. And obviously you are better able to score when you are closer to the basket than far away. TC Car War is a 3D armored car, battling game. You are given the opportunity to first design your car with limited resources. You can then test your design against a sequence of other armored vehicles. You may choose to fortify your wall strength, select your weapon statistics and select your supply of ammunition and fuel. Use your guns by aligning the target in front of your car and then fire. If all your ammunition is completely depleted, your last resort is to ram into the other vehicle. A good strategy is to give your gun strength and shooting speed the most resources. This way you can fire very quickly and do a lot of damage. Always keep a good supply of fuel and bullets with every design. Also use your missiles at flying vehicles. TC Racer is a 3D racing game. Travel as far as you can without hitting any of the walls or other cars. The racing corridor gradually becomes narrow and winding as each level passes. Turns are more difficult to manage when you try to pass other cars. You can temporary protect your car by hitting randomly placed barrels along the road. To travel the farthest reaches of the road, you should avoid as much damage as you can by turning carefully and use your brakes when you can to avoid crashing. TC Spy Car: is a 3D car chase game. You are given limited weapons to fend off enemy cars. Use oil slicks to fend off cars from behind. Use your guns to destroy cars in front. Use missiles to shoot down helicopters. If there are no weapons available, then your only means of defense is to knock the other cars off the road.