ITS File ORDER# LNGNum Language English 0bkgnd1 omfbk.pcx 0world world.pcx 0scenes1 omf1.pcx 0scenes2 omf2.pcx 0scenes3 omf3.pcx 0jazz jazz.pcx 0omftech omftech.pcx 0pinsmall pinsmall.pcx 0tinyglow tinyglow.pcx bkgnd 3bkgnd1 Htinyglow 1down 2ORDERS|800-972-7434 2HELP|301-983-9771 2FAX|301-299-3841 2COMPUSERVE|GO EPIC 2UK|(01) 767 260 903 2GDR|(0)_130 822495 2USE CURSOR KEYS 2PRESS "ESC" TO EXIT 8VTopic 8SPAGE Vpagenum S of Vpagecount Homftech page_1 1topic HOW TO ORDER 5bkgnd 5headline 2YOU'VE TRIED THE SHAREWARE 5normal 2You're playing the shareware 2edition of One Must Fall 2097. 2It contains three robots, one 2arena, and one tournament. 5headline 2NOW GET THE ENTIRE GAME! 5normal 2When you buy the full edition of 2One Must Fall, you get: 2 * A grand total of 11 robots 2 * Five arenas to fight in 2 * Four massive tournaments to enter 2 * HYPER mode for more furious fighting 2 * Over 16 megs of hot gaming action 2 * The full One Must Fall manual 2The price is $39. Read on for more info! page_why 1topic HOW TO ORDER 5bkgnd 5headline 2ARE YOU PREPARED? 5normal 2If the thought of eleven 90-foot-tall 2robots waiting to tear you to shreds 2makes you cower in fear, the full 2edition of OMF isn't for you! 2But, if you're pumped up to take on 2the world, we made this game for YOU. 2Here's what you get: 5headline 24 NEW ARENAS 5normal 2Yes! Fight in the Desert Arena, the 2Spike Pit, the Fire Pit, and The Stadium. 2Each one has new hazards and new tricks! page_morewhy 1topic WHAT YOU GET 5bkgnd 5headline 2THREE NEW TOURNAMENTS 5normal 2If you're tough enough to fight for cash in 2the WAR Invitational and the new Katushai 2Challenge Tournament, you just might be good 2enough to qualify for the World Tournament. 2The World Tournament is an elite battle 2zone for the best and brightest OMF pilots! 5headline 2SEVEN NEW ROBOTS 5normal 2The full edition presents 7 new robots for 2a grand total of 11 (you know about the 2red-hot robot at the end of OMF, right?) 2Each robot has a new ultra-tech look and 2feel, new abilities, new moves, new 2secrets, and more! page_scenes1 3scenes1 page_scenes2 3scenes2 page_scenes3 3scenes3 page_how 1topic HOW TO ORDER 5bkgnd 5headline 2ORDER ONE MUST FALL NOW! 5normal 2The full edition is available now. You 2won't find it in stores, but you can buy 2it direct from Epic at a great price! 2Just $39 + $4 p&h. 2Orders 1-800-972-7434 2Help __1-301-983-9771 2Fax ____1-301-299-3841 2Epic MegaGames 210406 Holbrook Drive 2Potomac, MD 20854 USA 2CompuServe: GO EPIC 2Email: 5small 2Maryland residents add 5% tax. Please call us with your 2Visa/Mastercard or send a check or money order. page_guide 1topic WAIT! THERE'S MORE! 5bkgnd 5headline 2GET THE 60-PAGE 2STRATEGY GUIDE! 5normal 2For just $10, you can get the One Must 2Fall Strategy Guide with in-depth 2coverage of all robots and their 2abilities. Includes: 2* All special moves 2* All scrap moves 2* List of best-known combos 2* Fighting tips for each robot 2As a bonus for ordering the strategy 2guide, you also receive a full-color 217"x22" One Must Fall poster! page_uk 1topic ORDERING IN ENGLAND 5bkgnd 5headline 2ORDERING IN ENGLAND 5normal 2In England, please call or send a 2cheque or postal order to: 2Epic MegaGames UK Ltd. 211 Baker Avenue 2Potton, Beds. SG19 2PJ 2Phone: (01) 767 260-903 2Fax: (01) 767 262-043 2Prices: 29.99...Full Edition 34.99...Full Edition plus Strategy Guide 2If ordering from a non-EC country, please 2add 2 pounds for extra postage. page_i0 3world Homftech 5headline 2INTERNATIONAL ORDERS 5normal 2All around the world, Epic dealers 2and distributors are ready to help 2you with Epic games and take your 2order for One Must Fall. 2The following pages contain addresses 2and phone numbers around the world. 2If you can't find a dealer in your 2country, please call us in the USA at 2301-983-9771. We can ship orders 2worldwide. page_i1 3world 5win1 2GERMANY 5winaddr 2Epic MegaGames 2Abteilung RMI (AA15) 2Postfach 10 29 65 250469 KOLN 5winphone 2Bestellung 49 (0) 130 822495 2Fax 49 (0) 130 822886 5winprice 2OMF: Vollversion.....DM 74,- 2Strategie Anleitung..DM 15,- 5win2 2GERMANY 5winaddr 2CDV-Software GmbH 2Postfach 2749 2Neureuterstrasse 37 b 276014 Karlsruhe 5winphone 2Phone 49 (0) 721 9 7224-0 2Fax 49 (0) 721 9 7224-24 5winprice 2OMF: Vollversion.....DM 74,- 2Strategie Anleitung..DM 15,- 5win3 2GERMANY 5winaddr 2Pearl Agency GmbH 2Am Kalischacht 4 2D-79426 Buggingen 5winphone 2Phone 49 (0) 7631 360 200 2Fax 49 (0) 7631 360 444 5winprice 2OMF: Vollversion.....DM 74,- 2Strategie Anleitung..DM 15,- 5win4 2AUSTRIA 5winaddr 2Pearl Agency 2Grunburgerstr. 7a 2A-4540 Bad Hall 5winphone 2Phone (07258) 53 33 2Fax (07258) 53 15 5winprice 2Please call for prices page_i2 3world 5win1 2FRANCE 5winaddr 2LOGITIME 21 BIS PARC BUROSPACE 291571 BIEVRES Cedex FRANCE 5winphone 2Tel: (1) 2Fax: (1) 5winprice 2Please call for prices 5win2 2DENMARK 5winaddr 2Pro Soft 2Benloese Skel 4 G 2DK-4100 Ringsted 2DENMARK 5winphone 2Phone (45) 53-61-90-42 2Fax (45) 53-61-93-91 2BBS (45) 57-67-17-47 5winprice 2Please call for prices 5win3 2SPAIN 5winaddr 2Friendware 2Miguel Angel, 6 2'-5 228010 Madrid 2SPAIN 5winphone 2Phone (91) 308.34.46 2Fax (91) 308.52.97 5winprice 2Please call for prices 5win4 2SWITZERLAND 5winaddr 2Software News! 2Sissacherstr. 57 24052 Basel 2SWITZERLAND 5winphone 2Telefon (41) 61 313-4545 2Telefax (41) 61 313-4202 2BBS (41) 61 313-4539 5winprice 2Please call for prices page_i3 3world 5win1 2AUSTRALIA 5winaddr 2Manaccom Pty. Ltd. 29 Camford St 2Milton, Qld. 4064 2AUSTRALIA 5winphone 2Phone (07) 368-2366 2Fax (07) 369-7589 5winprice 2Please call for prices 5win2 2ITALY 5winaddr 2Systems Comunicazioni srl 2Via Olanda, 6 220083 Gaggiano (Mi) 2ITALIA 5winphone 2Phone (02) 908.41.814 2Fax (02) 908.41.682 5winprice 2Please call for prices. 5win3 2JAPAN 5winaddr 2P and A Shareware 2302 Bellwins, 1367-23 2Nakagami, Akishima 2Tokyo, 196 JAPAN 5winphone 2Phone (0425) 46 9141 2Fax (0425) 46 9142 2NIFTYServe: PAF02461 5winprice 2Please call for prices 5win4 2TAIWAN, CHINA, HK 5winaddr 2Dysin Information Corp. 2No 312, 3F-1 Chung Ho Rd 2Chung Ho City, Taipei 2Taiwan, R.O.C. 5winphone 2Phone (886) 2 920 3936 2Fax (882) 2 920 7509 5winprice 2Please call for prices page_cis 1topic COME VISIT COMPUSERVE 5bkgnd 5headline 2VISIT EPIC ON COMPUSERVE 5normal 2Hey, CompuServe members! You can buy 2One Must Fall online, download the full 2edition, and receive the manual by mail. 2Just GO EPIC. How's that for fast service? 2For a free CompuServe signup kit, please 2call 800-524-3388 or 614-457-0802 and ask 2for Rep 536. 2Also on CompuServe: Every month, a new 2Epic shareware "Game of the Month" is 2available for free! Plus, you can visit the 2Epic Forum and talk with the Epic team. page_net 1topic EPIC ON THE NET 5bkgnd 5headline 2EPIC ON THE NET 5normal 2Sign up for Epic's electronic mailing list! 2If you're on the Internet or a major online 2service, you can get the latest news from 2Epic instantly by email. Learn about new 2releases, discover secret hints, and more! 2To sign up, send a message to and put 2"SUBSCRIBE EPIC" on the first line. 5headline 2CALL EXEC-PC BBS 5normal 2For Epic's latest games, and a whole lot more, 2call Exec-PC BBS at 414-789-4360 with your 2modem and type 'FFE' for the Epic files. page_jazz 3jazz Hpinsmall 2Also be sure to try Jazz Jackrabbit, a cool cartoon action 2game from Epic. Jazz is a little bunny with a big gun! page_pin 1topic EXTREME PINBALL 5bkgnd 5headline 2Extreme Pinball 5normal 2Announcing the ultimate PC pinball experience! 2Extreme Pinball is a revolutionary new game 2from the creator of Epic Pinball. 5headline 2Coming Summer 1995 2from Epic MegaGames page_inside 1topic THE INSIDE STORY 5bkgnd 5headline 2THE INSIDE STORY 5normal 2OMF 2097 was created by Rob Elam, head of 2the Diversions Entertainment team. Rob is 2a 24 year old designer in Panama City, 2Florida. Inspired by a love for arcade 2fighting games and a background in Tai 2Kwon Doe Rob teamed up with Epic and spent 218 months developing and perfecting One 2Must Fall. 2Rob coded the game in Watcom C++ version 210 using object-oriented programming. He 2modeled the robots and arenas in Autodesk 23D Studio and drew the remaining artwork in 2Deluxe Paint II. Composer Kenny Chou 2created OMF's sound track in Future Crew's 2Scream Tracker 3.0. page_join 1topic WHAT'S SHAREWARE? 5bkgnd 5headline 2What is shareware? 5normal 2Shareware is software you can try 2before you buy. We encourage you to 2share this "sample" of One Must Fall 2with all your friends. If you like it, 2you can buy the full edition from us. 2Epic has become a dazzling success 2because millions of great customers 2like yourself support shareware. 2The money you pay for the full edition 2allows us to continue creating 2shareware games like this. 5headline 2Thanks! 5normal 2We appreciate your business very much 2and we look forward to hearing from you! Homftech Homftech Homftech Homftech winaddr Hpinsmall winphone Htinyglow winprice headline Homftech normal Hpinsmall small Htinyglow 5page_1