PPT Utility!

The same questions come up time and time again on all the Amiga magazine forums. One of the most common that appears is "how do I change a picture format".
So lets have a quick answer.   Use an image-processing package! The Amiga has been blessed with a wide variety of image processing packages over the years,
too numerous to name. However, I was thinking more of the freeware and shareware packages. Why don't we  support the people who have always supported the platform?
One of the packages that is still supported is PPT, this can be found on Aminet or alternatively at www.iki.fi/~jalkanen/PPT.html (Aminet has been having problems lately).

PPT is now at version 6 and a comprehensive package it is, although GIF support has been  removed due to the continuing situation regarding copyright.
I installed PPT quite a while ago and although I normally use Image Studio (which is no longer supported), PPT can use progressive Jpeg's unlike the aforementioned I.S., a
format which is now in extensive use. Use PPT and the standard disclaimer applies! i.e. use it at your own risk. This said, I have been using PPT for quite a while now and haven't suffered unduly from crashes. It can crash occasionally but generally is stable. Now, PPT itself. It uses virtual memory ,which is a big help if someone sends you a large .bmp file (why oh why do "Gates Crates" owners save everything in this format). As it is an image processing program it does like large amounts of Ram to get the best speed from it,virtual memory is good, but writing to a disk slows things down quite a bit. The  requirements to run PPT are not excessive ,you can even run it on Wb 2 !!! Anyone still using  that? You will need BGUI library if you don't already have it. Luckily for us ,there is a link on  the Webpage to get it ,just in case.

The program is installed via the usual install file and is totally painless. No hiccups there. Once installed ,it is a simple matter of double clicking the icon to load the program .Files can
be loaded via menu or dock. The GUI is customisable and there is a set of image files for the GUI if you prefer that to simple text buttons. Configuration of the program is easy as well and
you can lay out whatever you want on startup. All menus are easy to understand and just in case you hit a sticking point, guide files are provided in the docs directory .
I action, I found PPT  6 slightly slower than previous versions, due to the fact that it does more?  Even so, it is fast! Compares favourably with Image Studio.
PPT is modular and has the following iomods...... c-code, bmp, datatypes, yuvn,  psionpic, ilbm, jpeg, png, plain?, ppm, targa and tiff. So lots of different formats that it can
handle. It handles them transparently ie you don't have to select a loader for a particular format. Nice and easy and you don't have to be an expert ! And since there is a datatype
loader ,even if there isn't a loader for your pic, chances are good that there is a datatype for it.

        As for what it does for images, you can do a lot ! Composite , scale ,rotate, crop are  just the tip of the iceberg really. It can alter the colours , brighten, blur,   contrast, etc etc. It
also has a twirl effect now and the ability to incorporate text onto your image . The effects are good, easy to use, and generally reliable..... the text effect is buggy but I'm sure that will
change with another update. All the effects are also quite speedy, even on my '030. Image loading is fast as well. Previews can be done in various modes or you can render the picture
to see the final result before saving it out.

 PPT has an arexx port as well and there are some scripts provided with it. Antique is one  that springs to mind, allowing you to "age" your image. There is even an "empty" script
provided which holds only the error return part of an arexx script so that you can try writing your own. The author is amenable to requests and there is a mailing list as well, this can be
subscribed to from his site.

        Now ,what have I forgotten? Oh yeah, you might think that since I have said how  good and how many effects ,formats it handled etc, its going to cost a lot to register for it!
Didn't I say that it was freeware? Must have slipped my mind. This program is free to download and use. I recommend it highly, if you do use it , subscribe to the mailing list and
tell the author what you think of it. The guy deserves some feedback after all the work he has put into this marvellous piece of software, if only to tell him that it is in use! Even if you only
want to convert bmp pictures or ilbms to jpeg, its a good program to have on your drive. Its just one more example that shows how different users of Amiga are to other types of  system.