Moving/rotating/zooming the view in Perspective mode.

Basically this is identical to moving around the view in the other modes, so you
should read that part first (click here to read it). But there are a few important
things you should note.

The purpose of 'P' mode.

First of all, when you move, zoom and rotate in this view, you actually move the 
camera along with it. So whatever you see in perspective mode is what your render
will look like. This is the entire point of having P mode in the first place.

Zooming in/out

Secondly, zooming is done in a different way than other modes. When you use the normal
'size tool' method of zooming in/out, you are actually resizing the camera, so in
the end you're changing the perspective instead of actually moving the camera in/out.
Although you can actually use this method to zoom in/out, you might run into problems
later on. E.G. Your scene might look a bit freaky because you've been playing about
with the perspective too much. :)

There is a better way of zooming in/out of a scene in perspective mode :

First of all, click on the eye () icon to switch to view mode, then select the MOVE
tool. Now, RIGHT CLICK inside the edit window and drag the mouse around. This will
move the camera with the view, instead of resizing it. 

Again, if this has all just went over your head, dont worry :)

Rolling the camera.

Lastly, you can also 'Roll' the camera in this mode to give you some quite dramatic
effects. If you select view mode, then rotation, in the normal way, then use the RIGHT
mouse button to drag instead of the left, the camera will roll instead of rotating
round the object.
