Deleting/copying/cutting/pasting objects.

Once you have an object selected, you can delete it, or copy/cut and paste
it (just like in a word processor for example). 
This is useful for a scene which has many objects that are the same. Instead
of creating 10 identical objects seperatley, create one and duplicate it.

To cut:

     Select the object(s) you want to cut.
     Go to edit >> Cut, or press Amiga-X

To Copy:

     Select the object(s) you want to copy.
     Go to Edit >> Copy or press Amiga-C

To Paste:

     Make sure you have performed a cut/copy
     operation before, and then go to Edit>>Paste
     or press Amiga-V

To duplicate:

     You can use the copy and paste method above to duplicate
     objects, but there are other ways..

     Select your object, and then go to Tools>>Duplicate (alt-D).

     Go into the object manager (press v), find and select 
     your object, and click on the duplicate button.

To Delete:

     Select your object, and press the DEL key on the keyboard.

     Go into the object manager (press v), select your object,
     and click on the delete button.

     Select your object, and go to Edit>>Delete
