Well Its that time! Yep! It's time to write another editorial. I don't mind telling you that I'm amazed at the changes that have occurred since last time I wrote one.
Changes that have both amazed me and have inundate me and depressed me.
  • Aminet has been hacked (again) bringing fresh fears to my mind about the future of our beloved platform.

  • Why would anyone want to jeopardize a platform that is already in danger? Is this a sign?

    These rumours state that Gateway 2000  Don't want to carry on with developing the Amiga platform.

    News of The Iwin platform, this PC/Amiga is still a mystery as they have not made any sort of a press statement. OR have they let any info on there product be known to the public.

    Is every company that touches the Amiga prone to slip into obscurity?

    And I have finally done it. Yep that's right! For those of you that know me or are have joined our mailing list will know. I have taken up the PC.

    hehe, I know what you're thinking. but before you all inundate me with hate mail. I'm not another member of the faceless elite! Or Window$ users as they are also known. I have taken a step into a bigger brighter more exciting and more importantly still developing world of Linux.

    I have as they say embraced the army of the penguin !  Why? Because I am not content to sit by and Use a computer that however impressive, Just don't cut it anymore. And Linux fits the bill. I still run The Ripper. I still care deeply for it. I still hunger for the days when you said that you had an Amiga people didn't laugh at you, they actually went "wow! that's cool" and Microsoft was just an office term.

    Who Knows, maybe if more of us acted like this we will force AMIGA to actually doing something productive?
    Well what ever happens, I know that I will always love the Amiga and I will always refuse to turn my back on it.

    See you in the next issue, Or on our mailing list.

            - = Baz = -