
Amiga & Haage & Partner have announced a full and long term partnership designed to benefit both the Classic Amiga and the Amiga's of the future.

Amiga Inc are dedicated to designing and bringing us the latest in the digital experiences of tommorrow.

We will have to wait yet again to see if they actually come through for us, as we have been let down so many times in the past.


Phase 5 have announced that they are to file for backruptcy. This is a shame and we wish all at Phase 5 all the best for the furture and hope they all find new jobs and can continue with their careers in the Computer World.

Rumours are that DCE will be taking on alot of the development and manufacturing of new and old Phase 5 products and we hope that they become successful with this as Phase 5 have made some excellent products that would be shame to loose.

It is worrying that another major playing in the Amiga World is to now leave the scene, but hopefully with DCE taking over in there place we won't miss out on the G4 range that was so nearly on us.

Please remember that although Phase 5 are to leave, we are still here to help you keep your Amiga running.


Amiga has been sold yet again, this time it will be in the hands of Fleecy Moss and Bill McEwan, they have already formed a partnership with TAO an interesting and un-foreseen choice. They have annouced their plans to build a digital content universe and although I doubt this will include new Classic Amiga's I hope they see fit to licience the old technology out so someone can continue to develop a new Classic Amiga.

Even though Amiga has been sold yet again and there is likely to be a wait there is no reason not to continue with your enjoyment with your Classic Amiga, they still work and offer a good OS and a fair amount of useful applications and liesure titles.