+System+ contents

  • AFCD_Install - Double clicking on this program will make sure that you have the latest versions of AFCDView, the AFCDFind indices and the Aminet index on your machine, as you wish them. It's a one-stop shop for making usre you have the latest files on your machine.
  • Find - This custom-programmed tool helps you to find files on any of our CDs past and present.
  • AFCDPrefs - This allows you to customise the AFCD to your taste in viewers. For instance, if you have a graphics card you might like to change the image viewer to "CyberWindow". If you want to know what to put in for the archive preferences in AFCDPrefs, have a look at the AFCD_Changes file where they were explained (under AFCD39 when they were introduced). AFCDFind and AFCDPrefs now both also have online help, so moving your mouse over a button or menu entry you're unsure of and hitting the help button will bring up the documentation.
  • Info
    • Submission_advice - Make sure you know how our submissions policy works so that you can get your work on our CD.
    • AFCD_changes - See just what has changed over the years we've been doing the AFCD.
    • ReadMe_Template - Use this handy template when you send us your submissions so that we know all about your work.
    • AFCD_survey - Fill in our survey so that we know what we can improve for you next time.
    • AmigaAngels - This is a list of gorgeous people who are willing to volunteer their help to Amiga users all over the world. If you use the details here remember to be on your best behavioiur - they are doing it for free, after all, and why not add yourself to the Angels list if you consider yourself expert at something Amiga-related?
  • Tools - Lots of tools here every month for you to use as a regular archive. There are tools for pretty much every occasion here.