To put the UDP Functions in your game, you could either use the UDP_Chat
code as a base for your game, as you've already got the basic login window
there- the GUI just needs some tidying up. You could have the window open
on Workbench as it does already, and just leave it open while your game is
running, or have it open on your game screen, from a user selecting a menu
item etc. Note: You'd want to put all the UDP Functions together in one
include as below.
  Or you could cut the UDP Funcs out of UDP_Chat and put them all in the 
UDPFuncs.bb2 include, along with the UDPHeader.bb2, and the
Net_protocol_header.bb2, so all you have is one include (which has to be
included before your own functions) in your code. The reason I've left
them in UDP_Chat, is for debugging purposes.
  Note: You have to insert the includes where they're included in the 
UDP_Chat code ie: Net_Protocol_Header.bb2 and UDPHeader.bb2 under .Dims,
and UDPFuncs.bb2 above .Dim_Message_Arrays. Then cut out the entire code
from where it's labeled at the top of UDP_Chat down to the bottom of 
Comms_Housekeeping, then put this into an include called UDP_Funcs.bb2
or something. You may want to keep some of the constants and variables at 
the top of your code (ie: not in the include), if you want to tweak them.
   As for implementing multi-player ability into your game, read everything
in these docs from top to bottom, especially the Theory section and
the link web sites on the subject. These Funcs provide the basic
communication and login routines, and time sync, but you'll have to do the
multi-player game strategies yourself, as you can't write universal code
for that, as each game is different. For example, if you're sending out any
speed and direction changes for a player, then working out where the player
should be on another machine, is going to depend entirely on how the game
is set up (how big the player is, what walls they could collide into, wether
it's 2D/3D, etc, etc).   

  There's a player information array `', which you can load
your player preferences into ie: player's colour(s), player's name (nick),
etc. This info will be sent to all other players on login.
  Here's the Newtype for the player info. To load it, just use each element
in the array, with first the info_type (the constants are below), and then
fill in appropriate variable.
  ie:   player_info(0)\info_type=#NUMBERW   ; this element is a word
        player_info(0)\numberw=6            ; whose value is 6
Or the element could be a byte, long, string, or a memory block (fill in the
start of the block and the length of the block). Also it could be a disk file
(fill in the path and name of file, and it's type so your program knows what
to do with it). I haven't implemented the sending of a disk file yet.
  Finish the array with player_info(0)\info_type=0, or #END_OF_CRITICAL_DATA
with player_info(0)\info_type=0 at end. Everything up to
#END_OF_CRITICAL_DATA will be sent in the player data packet (later I'll
allow bigger files/data to be sent before the game starts, so you could send
data critical to the game, like Player Skins etc. Anything after (say sound
samples, other files or large memory blocks), can be trickle fed after the
game has started, so as not to delay the game start. Again I haven't
implemented the trickle feed yet either. 

NEWTYPE .info        ; player info newtype
#NUMBERB        ; - byte   player info type constants
#NUMBERW        ; - word
#NUMBERL        ; - long
#STRING         ; - string
#FILENAME       ; - disk file
#MEMORY_BLOCK   ; - memory block
#END_OF_CRITICAL_DATA  ; end of data essential for the game to start

  For examples on how to load up the array, see the bottom of .Init_Gui and
to then read other player's info see `Case #NEW_PLAYER' in the Case-Select
in .Main, as the info is stored in a memory block.

  To send information to another computer you can do it Reliably or
Unreliably. Reliably, the computer at the other end sends a message 
acknowledging that it has received the message. If the sending computer 
hasn't received the acknowledgment in a certain time it will resend the
packet; if it takes more than a defined number of resends it assumes the
link has been lost, and disconnects that machine from the game. This is 
necessary for important messages, like control messages (new player info,
game end etc), and power-up messages etc, and any message that is a once
off message. 

  If it gets sent Unreliably, it just gets sent out once to the other
machine, and no checks are made if it gets there or not. This is good for
changes in player speed/direction messages, as you'll be sending out a min
of two per second anyway (as a heartbeat in case of a lag spike, so you
stop the player's movement if no packet is received for half a second-
to prevent the player going into lava, traps etc accidentally), so it
doesn't matter if you lose the odd packet anyway. This has the benefit of
halving the bandwidth needed, because you don't need to send the
  Also it can be sent Ordered or Unordered; Ordered is if you want the
packet to arrive in order or not (with other ordered packets). Ordered,
is important if you are sending keyboard presses instead of player
speeds/directions for example (or large files that have to be split over
several packets (packets usually hold about 1.5k each)). Unordered is
faster, as your packets aren't delayed if an earlier packet is delayed or

  To send messages Reliably you just call the function: 

The address is the starting address of your data, data_length is the length
of your data, player is which player number you want to send it to. The
protocol is either #PEER_TO_PEER or #CLIENT_SERVER (only #PEER_TO_PEER is
supported at the moment). Ordered is either #UNORDERED OR #ORDERED, only
#UNORDERED is supported at the moment. 

 To send messages unreliably call the function:

 The parameters are the same as above, but packets are only sent as
unordered, as there's no point sending ordered unreliable packets.

 For examples see the `Send string to other players' (Case 64 in the
gadgets Case-Select) Case, in the Window_Events Function. It shows how
to send a string, but any block of memory can be sent.

 To get data sent by another program, check out `Get Incoming Game Data'
in Main:. The Function Get_Game_Data{} returns a pointer to a buffer which
contains the data from the incoming packet. The first word (.w) contains
the size of the data, and the second word contains wether the packet was
Reliable or Unreliable. The actual data starts on the next byte (5th

  Also the Security_Warning statement allows you to have security
messages printed out in your game- you can chose none (0), all (#LOW),
medium (#MEDIUM), or only serious security warnings (#HIGH), also you can
have just system messages printed out (like player online, game has been
shut down etc)- use #SYSTEM_MESSAGE for this. To change it from the default
of #LOW, set the variable `security_level', to any of the above. This allows
people to keep an eye out for attempted cheating. This routine is GUI
independant- it stores the messages in an array, and these messages can be
called by calling the Read_Security_Warning Function-  which returns either
a message or empty string "" if there's no more messages left to print out
(note: the array is not a looping buffer so you will have to regularly
clear the messages fully!). A similar system is set up for Debug messages
(Comms_Debug and Read_Comms_Debug_Messages), but #SYSTEM_MESSAGE isn't
availiable obviously.

  To have Debug information printed out you have to have the constant
#COMMS_DEBUG=1 (at the top of the UDP stuff, at the top of the page). To
test the time sync routines set #TEST_TIME_SYNC=1, just below it- note, it
only works if #COMMS_DEBUG=1. If you don't want them, set them to 0. 

Converted with g2h, © 24.06.1998 N. DARNIS