It has an Arexx port ( Arexx port name is `UDP_Chat') so it can be told
to log in to a Host from AmiComSys, using the small Rexx program
UDP_Chat.rexx. All you have to do, to log into a Server from AmiComSys is
click on the person's name, who is going to be the Server and go to the
Rexx menu in AmiComSys and run UDP_Chat.rexx, and UDP_Chat will
automatically log into the UDP_Chat program being run on the other
person's machine. You can add this Rexx script to the Arexx menu in
AmiComSys with `Add Arexx Script' in the Arexx menu, for ease of use.
   You need to change the location of your UDP_Chat executable at the
top of the Arexx script, so it will run UDP_Chat if it's not already
running (because the default directory seems to be AmiComSys: ).
   You could also use this Rexx port with programs like QAmiTrack (on 
Aminet, as is AmiComSys), or STRICQ <>
(you would need to do some extra coding to use it). Don't use DC-ICQ, as
the group responsible are crackers/pirates, and may be using it to get
passwords from your hard-drive. 
  Currently the Blitz Rexx commands are bugged, so you get an Enforcer hit
everytime you call Get_Rexx_Message{} :/

  Arexx Commands:

CONNECTTOSERVER Hostname.s : this tells UDP_Chat to attempt to log
  into another UDP_Chat which is acting as Server. The second parameter 
  (string) is the Hostname to connect to.

ISONLINE : This asks UDP_Chat it's online state. UDP_chat responds with
  a string- either `Offline', `Server' or `Client' depending on it's
  online status. I haven't tested this yet, as I didn't have time to
  work out how to receive a string in a Rexx script. 

QUIT :  This tells UDP_Chat to exit.

   More commands could be easily added- just add them to the
Get_Rexx_Message function. UDP_Chat's Arexx port is `UDP_Chat'.

Converted with g2h, © 24.06.1998 N. DARNIS