Mildred a shark

MReservec2pWindows is one of the first things you need to do in Mildred's c2p system. It reserves some memory that can/will be used to store c2pWindow definitions. c2pWindows are needed by the c2p system in order to tell it how much data to convert from chunky to planar. These c2pWindow objects are stored in the memory area that MReservec2pWindows allocates.

You tell MReservec2pWindows how many windows IN TOTAL you will require at most. If you will only need a single area to be converted during your program then you will only need to reserve 1 window. You are allowed to reserve up to about 32000 c2pWindows should you find the need although you should keep your program efficient and friendly by only allocating as many as you will likely use. c2pWindow objects will be numbered from 0 upwards, so if you had reserved space for 10 c2pWindows they would be numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You must reserve some c2pWindows before you can perform almost all other c2p-related commands.

Possible syntax:
MReservec2pWindows NumberOfc2pWindows.w

MReservec2pWindows ( NumberOfc2pWindows.w )

Returns: BaseAddress.l

---- The total number of c2pWindow objects that you wish to reserve space for. This defines how many c2pWindow objects you will be able to create. The c2pWindow objects will be numbered from 0 to NumberOfc2pWindows-1.

BaseAddress.l ---- MReservec2pWindows is a command, so if you use it as a function it will return a longword address representing the base address of the memory in which c2pWindow objects will be stored. If the function returns 0 the reservation failed due to there not being enough memory available.

a shark