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Int 17 Fn 97  - Alloy Ntnx, Mw386 - Set Data Driven Print Break            [N]

   AH = 97h
   AL = mode
       00h NTNX compatibility
       02h MW386 v2+
       BX = logical device number
           00h-03h = LPT1-LPT4
           04h-07h = COM1-COM4
   CH,CL,DH = three character break sequence
   DL = subfunction
       00h set break string
       else reset break

Return: AL = status (see AH=81h)

Notes: mode 00h affects only logical LPT1
   when the break string is encountered, the spool file will be closed and
     queued for printing automatically
   the break string is not permanently saved, and will be reset each time
     MW386 or the user is rebooted

See Also: AH=9Bh

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