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Int 16 Fn FFEE  U - PC Tools V5.1-8.0 Desktop - Define Pulldown Menus      [U]

   AX = FFEEh
   DS:SI -> pulldown menu system description (see below)

Return: AX destroyed

Notes: available only when popped up
   if the accessory does not need any menu items of its own, it should
     call AX=FFFAh instead

See Also: AX=FFF7h,AX=FFFAh

Format of pulldown menu system description:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset of menu bar contents (counted string)
 02h   WORD    number of items on menu bar
 04h 10 BYTEs  scan codes for hotkeying to each of up to ten menu items
 0Eh 10 BYTEs  which character to highlight in each menu item (01h=first)
 18h   WORD    offset of first menu definition (see below)
 1Ah   WORD    offset of second menu definition

Format of menu definition:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset of menu contents (see below)
 02h   WORD    number of entries in menu
 04h   for each entry:
       Offset  Size    Description
        00h    BYTE    scancode of Alt-key to invoke entry
        01h    BYTE    character to highlight (01h=first, etc)
        02h    WORD    offset of FAR routine to handle selection

Format of menu contents:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    number of lines in menu
 01h   BYTE    width of menu
 02h  N BYTEs  counted strings, one for each line in menu

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