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Int 16 Fn ED  - Borland Turbo Lightning - API                              [U]

   AH = EDh
   BH = EDh
   BL = function
       00h installation check

       Return: AX = 5205h
           CH = major version
           CL = minor version
       01h ???
       02h get resident CS

       Return: AX = code segment of resident portion
       03h get resident ???

       Return: AX = offset of some buffer in resident code seg
       04h ???
       05h set ???
       AL = 0 to 0Ch

       Return: AX = status
               0000h if OK
               0001h if out of range.
       06h ???
       07h ???
       08h ???
       AL = char???
       CX = ???
       DX = ???

       Return: AX = 0, 1 or 2
       09h ???
       0Ah ???
       CX = ???
       DX = ???

       Return: AX = ???
       0Bh ???
       DS:SI -> ???

       Return: AX = 0, 40h, 80h
       0Ch ???
       DS:SI -> ???

       Return: AH = 0
           AL = ???
       0Dh set ???
       (sets an internal flag)
       0Eh ???
       DS:SI -> ???

       Return: AX = 0, 1 or 2.
       0Fh ???
       10h ???

Notes: AX in general returns an error code from most functions.
Index: installation check;Turbo Lightning

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