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Int 16 Fn CA  - Ctrlalt Associates Stackey.com V3.00 - API                 [K]

   AH = CAh
   BX = 736Bh ("sk")
   CX = 736Bh
   AL = function
       00h installation check

       Return: DX = words available in keyboard buffer
       01h place keystroke in buffer
       DX = keystroke (DH = scan code, DL = ASCII character)

       Return: DX = words available in keyboard buffer
               FFFFh on error
       02h flush STACKEY and BIOS keyboard buffers

Return: AX = CAFFh if installed
       BX = segment of resident code
       CX = STACKEY version (CH = major, CL = minor)
Program: STACKEY is a shareware keyboard-input faking TSR
Index: installation check;STACKEY

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