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Int 15 Fn DE2C  - Desqview V2.50+ - "wininfo" - Get Window Information     [Q]

   AX = DE2Ch
   DX = window information format version (0100h for DESQview 2.5x)
   BX = segment of window handle or 0000h for default
   ES:DI -> buffer for window information (see below)

Return: AX = status
       0000h successful

Note:  DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x.

See Also: AX=1000h,AX=1016h,AX=DE01h,AX=DE2Bh

Format of window information:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    task flag: 00h window, 01h task
 01h   BYTE    process number if owner task
       00h if non-owner task
 02h   WORD    segment of owner's handle, 0000h if orphaned
 04h   WORD    mapping context (see AX=1016h)
 06h   BYTE    task status (see below)
 07h   BYTE    unused
 08h   WORD    status bits (see below)
 0Ah   BYTE    01h if foreground-only window

Values for task status:
 00h   "Waiting" waiting for input
 01h   "Idle" keyboard poll limit reached
 03h   same as 01h
 04h   "Pausing" INT 15/AX=1000h pause called
 04h   DV/X direct: user did something to allow task switch
 05h   "ModeChg" video mode about to be changed
 06h   "ModeNtf" notify that video mode changed
 07h   "MoniCh" requested change to other monitor
 08h   "StartPgm" control relinquished to start new process
 09h   "MgrCan" made window manager CANCEL command
 0Ah   "Slicing" time slice expired
 0Bh   "Exit DOS" notify on DOS calls
 0Ch   "Enter DOS" process is re-entering DOS
 0Dh   "Terminate" INT 21/AH=4Ch or task freed
 0Eh   "BrkNxt" Control-Break pressed
 0Fh   "MgrCol" keyboard focus taken away
 10h   "PgmInt" interrupted by API call from another task
 11h   "BldOpen" call to INT 15/AX=DE01h

Bitfields for status bits:
 bit 0 DESQview process
 bit 1 process swapped out
 bit 2 process is resized direct window (suspended)
 bit 3 process suspended itself
 bit 4 user suspended process
 bit 5 process is being created
 bit 6 task is freeing another task

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