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Int 15 Fn DE0E  - Desqview V2.00+ - "findmail" - Find Mailbox By Name      [Q]

   AX = DE0Eh
   ES:DI -> name to find
   CX = length of name

Return: BX = 0000h not found
        0001h found
       DS:SI = object handle

See Also: AH=12h/BH=11h,AH=12h/BX=1200h"GETNAME"

Special mailbox names:
 "COM1" ... "COM4" RBcomm using COM1 ... COM4
 "DESQview/X Help Engine"
 "DESQview/X Network Server"  Network Manager
 "DESQview X Server0"  X-Windows server
 "DESQview X Server7"  X-Windows printing service
 "INBOX"       DESQview/X LPD requests
 "OUTBOX"      DESQview/X LPD responses
 "WAITBOX"     semaphore to synchronize DESQview/X LPD communications
 "_DVNM_"      DV/X v1.10 network manager

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson