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Int 15 Fn D8  - Eisa System ROM - 32-bit Cs Addressing Mode Calls          [X]

   AH = D8h
   AL = 80h to 84h
   other registers as appropriate for AL=00h to 04h

Return: as appropriate for AL=00h to 04h

Note:  these functions are identical to AX=D800h to D804h, except that they
     should be called when using 32-bit CS addressing mode (pointers use
     ESI rather than SI as offset) instead of 16-bit addressing mode

See Also: AX=D800h,AX=D801h,AX=D802h,AX=D803h,AX=D804h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson