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Int 15 Fn C9  - Newer Ps/2; Various BIOSes - Get CPU Type And Mask Revisi  [B]

   AH = C9h
   AL = 10h (may be required on some non-PS BIOSes)

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH = 00h
       CH = CPU type
       03h 80386DX or clone
       04h 80486
       23h 80386SX or clone
       CL = mask revision (stepping level)
           03h B1
           05h D0
           08h D1/D2/E1
           04h A0
           05h B
           08h C/D1
   CF set on error
       AH = status (80h,86h = function not supported)

Notes: the BIOS must save DX at startup in order to be able to support this
     call; PS/2 Models 56, 57, 90, and 95 are known to support it
   the PS/2 BIOS merely reads CMOS locations 190h (type) and 191h (rev)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson