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Int 15 Fn 44C6  - Olivetti Quaderno - Read Lcd                             [b]

   AX = 44C6h

Return: DX = FFFFh clock is displayed on LCD display
   DX = other: hex number displayed in first four positions of display
   BH = left alphanumeric character on display (see below)
   BL = right alphanumeric character on display (see below)
   CL = flags
       bit 0: right colon on
       bit 1: left colon on
       bits 2-7 unused

Notes: the LCD display has the format HH:HH:AA, where H is a hex digit and A
     is an alphanumeric character
   this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM

See Also: AX=44C7h,AX=44C9h

Values for alphanumeric characters:
 00h-0Fh hex digit
 2Bh   "+"
 2Dh   "-"
 30h-39h "0" to "9"
 41h-5Ah "A" to "Z"
 61h-6Ah "a" to "z"
 else  blank

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