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Int 15 Fn 12  - Topview - Send Message - "subfrom" - Write Attributes To   [Q]

   AH = 12h
   BH = 0Bh
   BL = window to write attributes to
       00h handle is DWORD on top of stack
       01h current task's default window
       0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack
       0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent of current task
   STACK:  DWORD number of attributes to write
       DWORD address of attributes

Note:  the attributes are written starting at the current cursor position; the
     cursor is left just after the last position written

See Also: AH=12h/BH=0Ah"WINDOW"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson