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Int 15 Fn 12  - Topview - Send Message - "sizeof" - Get Object Size        [Q]

   AH = 12h
   BH = 08h
   BL = object
       00h handle in DWORD on top of stack
       window: total character positions in window
       timer: elapsed time since timer started
       pointer: number of messages queued to pointer object
       panel: number of panels in panel file
       keyboard: number of input buffers queued
       01h total chars in current task's default window
       02h number of messages in task's mailbox (task's handle on stack)
       03h number of messages in current task's mailbox
       04h number of input buffers queued in task's kbd (handle on stack)
       05h number of input buffers queued for current task's default kbd
       06h number of objects queued in OBJECTQ (task's handle on stack)
       07h number of objects queued in current task's OBJECTQ
       0Ch (DV 2.26+) total chars in window owning handle on top of stack
       0Dh (DV 2.26+) total chars in parent task's window

Return: DWORD on top of stack is result

Note:  for panel objects, a count of zero is returned if no panel file is open
     for the object

See Also: AH=12h/BH=04h,AH=12h/BH=09h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson