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Int 15 Fn 12  - Desqview 2.20+ - Send Message - "setpri" - Set Priority W  [Q]

   AH = 12h
   BH = 06h
   BL = object
       00h object handle in DWORD on top of stack
       mailbox, keyboard, pointer, or timer
       (DV 2.50+) window
       01h (DV 2.50+) current task's window
       04h given task's keyboard (task's handle on top of stack)
       05h current task's default keyboard
   STACK: DWORD new priority of object in task's OBJECTQ
           (new priority of task if window handle)

Notes: initially all objects have the same default value.  Should only make
     relative adjustments to this default value.
   when changing priorities, all objects already on the objectq are
   for window handles, only the non-blocked task(s) with the highest
     priority receive CPU time under DESQview 2.50-2.52; the default
     priority is 0Ah

See Also: AH=12h/BH=07h,AH=12h/BH=87h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson