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Int 15 Fn 1117  - Desqview V2.20+ - "assertmap" - Get/set Mapping Context  [Q]

   AX = 1117h
   BX = 0000h  get current mapping context without setting
        nonzero    set new mapping context

Return: BX = mapping context in effect before call
   interrupts enabled

Notes: this function differs from AX = DE17h for DESQview v2.20 through 2.25
   mapping contexts determine conventional-memory addressability; setting
     a mapping context ensures that the associated program and data areas
     are in memory for access.  Usable by drivers, TSRs and shared
   caller need not be running under DESQview, but must ensure that the
     stack in use will not be mapped out by the call

See Also: AX=DE17h,INT 2F/AX=1685h

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