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Int 15 Fn 1023  - Topview - "poswin" - Position Window                     [Q]

   AX = 1023h
   BX = segment of object handle for parent window within which to
        position the window (0 = full screen)
   ES = segment of object handle for window to be positioned
   DL = bit flags
        bits 0,1: horizontal position
       00 = current
       01 = center
       10 = left
       11 = right
        bits 2,3: vertical position
       00 = current
       01 = center
       10 = top
       11 = bottom
        bit 4: don't redraw screen if set
        bits 5-7 not used
   CH = number of columns to offset from position specified by DL
   CL = number of rows to offset from position specified by DL

Return: nothing

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