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Int 15 Fn 101F  - Topview - "disperor" - Pop-up Error Window               [Q]

   AX = 101Fh
   BX = bit fields
        bits 0-12: number of characters to display
        bits 13,14: which mouse button may be pressed to remove window
            00 = either
            01 = left
            10 = right
            11 = either
        bit 15: beep if 1
   ES:DI -> text of message
   CH = width of error window (0 = default)
   CL = height of error window (0 = default)
   DX = segment of object handle

Return: BX = status: 1 = left button, 2 = right, 27 = ESC pressed

Note:  window remains on-screen until ESC or indicated mouse button is pressed

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson