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Int 15 Fn 1016  - Topview - "isobj" - Verify Object Handle  (Cont.)

 4Bh   WORD    first DOS memory segment (first MCB segment+1)
 4Dh   BYTE    ??? (flag???)
 ---v2.53 (2.5x???)
 4Eh 12 BYTEs  ???
 4Eh   WORD    segment of script buffer (see below)
 50h  6 BYTEs  ???

Format of Internal Window Record (v2.31-2.60):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    internal window number???
 01h   BYTE    display page???
 02h   BYTE    video mode
 03h  3 BYTEs  ???
 06h   BYTE    logical window height
 07h   BYTE    logical window width
 08h   DWORD   pointer to text video buffer
 0Ch 116 BYTEs ???

Format of process record (v2.31):
Offset Size    Description
-470h 13 BYTEs filename of ??? Script
-463h 1117 BYTEs ??? (script buffer???)
 -6h  6 BYTEs  ???
 00h   WORD    segment of parent PSP in process
 02h  5 BYTEs  ???
 07h   WORD    segment of current PSP in process
 09h   WORD    segment of first MCB in process
 0Bh 13 BYTEs  ???
 18h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table
418h 376 BYTEs ???
590h       first MCB in process

Format of process record (v2.53-v2.60) (probably also 2.5x):
Offset Size    Description
 00h 28 BYTEs  EXE header of last EXE, ??? if last program run was COM
 1Ch ??? BYTEs overwritten with ASCIZ filename of last program run (EXE/COM)
11Ch   WORD    segment of parent PSP in process
11Eh  4 BYTEs  ???
122h   WORD    segment of current PSP
124h   WORD    segment of current PSP
126h   WORD    segment of first MCB in process
128h  4 BYTEs  ???
12Ch   DWORD   pointer to first process instance data record in system memory
130h   DWORD   pointer to last process instance data record in system memory
       (from INT 15/AX=DE27h, see below)
134h  8 BYTEs  ???
13Ch   WORD    size of current environment
13Eh   WORD    segment of current environment
140h   WORD    segment of current PSP
142h   DWORD   entry point of current program
146h 10 BYTEs  ???
---v2.52 (v2.5x???)
150h   BYTE    ???
151h   WORD    segment of parent PSP in process
153h   WORD    ???
155h   WORD    ???
157h   WORD    ???
159h  4 BYTEs  ???
15Dh   WORD    segment of current environment
15Fh   WORD    segment of current PSP
161h   WORD    segment of ???
162h   WORD    ???
164h  3 BYTEs  ???
168h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table
568h 120 BYTEs ???
5E0h       first MCB in process
150h   WORD    segment of parent PSP in process
152h   WORD    ???
154h   WORD    ???
156h   WORD    ???
158h  4 BYTEs  ???
15Ch   WORD    segment of current environment
15Eh   WORD    segment of current PSP
160h   WORD    segment of ???
162h   WORD    ???
164h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table
564h 108 BYTEs ???
5D0h       first MCB in process

Format of task or process instance data record (v2.5x???, v2.60):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next record of same type or 00000000
 04h   DWORD   pointer to previous record of same type or 00000000
 08h   DWORD   pointer to source area of memory during restore state
 0Ch   WORD    number of bytes to save/restore
 0Eh   DWORD   pointer to destination area of memory during restore state
 12h   WORD    ??? (0)
 14h  N BYTEs  source memory buffer during restore state

Format of script buffer (v2.60):
Offset Size    Description
 00h 13 BYTEs  ASCIZ Script filename
 0Dh 80 BYTEs  ???
 5Eh  N BYTEs  script records (see below)

Format of one script record (v2.60):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    signature 12h
 01h 18 BYTEs  blank-padded script name
 13h   BYTE    ASCII code of key attached to script or 0 if non-ASCII key
 14h   BYTE    scan code of key attached to script if non-ASCII, else 0
 15h   BYTE    ???
 16h   WORD    size of script in bytes
 18h  N    BYTEs   script (ASCII code of each keystroke; if 0, next byte is
       scan code of non-ASCII key)

Format of Common Memory Header (v2.31-2.60) (at beginning of commom mem seg):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset of lowest used block
 02h   WORD    bytes of commom memory, including header
 04h   WORD    offset of first free block
 06h  N BYTEs  size depends of DV version, ??? (DVP buffer???)

Format of Free block header:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    size of block in bytes including header
 02h   WORD    offset of next free block
 04h  N BYTEs  free block

Format of Used block header:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    size of block in bytes including header
 02h  N BYTEs  used block

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson