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Int 15 Fn 04  - System - Build Abios System Parameter Table (ps)           [B]

   AH = 04h
   ES:DI -> results buffer length 20h for System Parameter Table
   DS = segment containing ABIOS RAM extensions (zero if none)

Return: AH = 00h success: results at ES:DI
   CF set on failure

See Also: AH=05h"ABIOS",C1h

Format of ABIOS System Parameter Table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   FAR address of ABIOS Common Start Routine
 04h   DWORD   FAR address of ABIOS Interrupt Routine
 08h   DWORD   FAR address of ABIOS Time-out Routine
 0Ch   WORD    number of bytes of stack required by this ABIOS implementation
 0Eh 16 BYTEs  reserved
 1Eh   WORD    number of entries in initialization table

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