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Int 15 Fn 01  - Vmix - "sys_chanreq" - I/o Channel Object Manager          [O]

   AH = 01h
   STACK:  WORD    object ID of requestor
       DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ name of requested method
           "assign" assign channel to object
           "deassign" deassign channel
           "cursor" set cursor on/off
           "init" initialize comm port
           "open" open I/O channel
           "position" set cursor position
           "receive" get buffered packet from comm port
           "send" send buffered packet to comm port
           "vio" set current virtual I/O to specified channel
           "window" make window at cursor position
       ---if "assign"---
        WORD   object UID
        WORD   caller UID/PID
        DWORD  CSL with port
       ---if "deassign"---
        WORD   channel ID
       ---if "cursor"---
        WORD   channel ID (must be a SRCSINK)
        WORD   new state (0000h off, 0001h on)
       ---if "init"---
        WORD   channel ID (must be a SRCSINK)
        WORD   comm port number (00h-03h)
        WORD   UART init code
       ---if "open"---
        WORD   channel ID
       ---if "position"---
        WORD   channel ID (must be a SRCSINK)
        WORD   position (high byte = row, low byte = column)
       ---if "receive"---
        DWORD  pointer to buffer
       ---if "send"---
        WORD   length of buffer
        DWORD  pointer to buffer
       ---if "vio"---
        WORD   channel ID (must be a SRCSINK)
       ---if "window"---
        WORD   top left (high byte = row, low byte = column)
        WORD   bottom right (high byte = row, low byte = column)

Return: DX:AX -> IRP structure or 0000h:0000h

See Also: AH=00h"VMiX",AH=02h"VMiX"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson