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Int 13 Fn 80  - Fast! V4.02+ - API                                         [c]

   AH = 80h
   CX = 6572h
   DX = 1970h
   ES:BX -> request packet (see below)
   AL = function
       01h get cache information (see separate entry)
       04h disable cache
       05h enable cache and reset statistics
       06h installation check (see separate entry)
       07h unhook interrupts (see separate entry)
       09h flush cache
       0Ah (v4.02+) enable staged writes
       0Bh (v4.02+) disable staged writes
       0Ch (v4.02+) enable beep on flush
       0Dh (v4.02+) disable beep on flush
       0Eh ???
       0Fh ???
       10h (v4.12+) enable hotkeys
       11h (v4.12+) disable hotkeys
       12h (v4.13+) set idle delay
       13h (v4.13+) set flush dirty percentage
       14h (v5.00+) enable mouse checks
       15h (v5.00+) disable mouse checks
       16h (v5.00d+) reduce cache size to minimum
       17h (v5.00d+) increase cache size to maximum

Return: AH = status (except function 06h)
       00h if successful
       01h invalid function
       05h not supported by the installed variant
   CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
   AL may be destroyed
Program: FAST! is a disk cache by Future Computing Systems and marketed by BLOC
     Publishing Corp.

See Also: AX=8001h,AX=8006h,AX=8007h
Index: hotkeys;FAST!

Format of request packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to 19-byte signature string (see below)
 04h   DWORD   pointer to buffer for data (if needed by function)

Values for v4.04-v5.03 signature string:
 13h 07h 06h 08h 11h 18h 0Fh 0Eh 02h 18h 13h 08h 0Bh 08h 01h 00h 04h 08h 15h

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