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Int 13 Fn 1B  - Future Domain Scsi Controller - Get Pointer To Scsi Disk   [d]

   AH = 1Bh
   DL = hard drive ID

Return: CF set on error
       AH = status code (see AH=01h)
   CF clear if successful
       ES:BX -> SCSI disk information block

Notes: also sets a non-resettable flag which prevents some controller messages
     from being displayed
   the TMC-950 does not support any Future Domain BIOS calls; instead,
     it provides a full CAM implementation (see INT 4F/AX=8100h)

See Also: AH=18h"SCSI",AH=1Ch"SCSI"

Format of SCSI disk information block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    drive physical information (see below)
 01h   WORD    translated number of cylinders
 03h   BYTE    translated number of heads
 04h   BYTE    translated number of sectors per track (17, 34, or 63)
 05h   BYTE    drive address
       bits 0-2: logical unit number
       bits 3-5: device number
 06h   BYTE    01h at initialization
 07h   BYTE    sense code byte 00h, or extended sense code byte 0Ch
 08h   BYTE    00h
 09h   BYTE    00h or extended sense code byte 02h (sense key)
 0Ah   BYTE    00h
 0Bh 10 BYTEs  copy of Command Descriptor Block (CDB)
 15h   DWORD   translated number of sectors on device

Bitfields for device physical information:
 bit 0 ???
 bit 1 device uses parity
 bit 2 256 bytes per sector instead of 512
 bit 3 don't have capacity yet???
 bit 4 disk is removable
 bit 5 logical unit number is not present

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