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Int 12 Fn FFFE  - Back&forth V1.62+ - API                                  [T]

   AX = FFFEh
   CX = FFFEh
   BX = function
       00h installation check

       Return: AX = 0001h installed
                else  not loaded
       02h build program ID list
       ES:DI -> buffer of at least 100 bytes, to be filled with words

       Return: AX = number of programs defined
           ES:DI buffer filled with AX words
       03h switch to specified task (task need not be open yet)
       DX = two-letter program ID

       Return: AX = 0000h if task undefined
       04h ???
       05h ???
       06h get version (undoc)

       Return: AX = version * 100 (v1.71 = 00ABh)
       07h ???
       08h get open tasks (undoc)
       ES:DI -> task info buffer (see below)

       Return: AX = number of open tasks (max 20)
       09h ???
Program: Back & Forth is a task switcher by Progressive Solutions, Inc.

See Also: INT 11/AX=FFFEh
Index: installation check;BACK&FORTH

Format of task info buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 21 BYTEs  ASCIZ task name
 15h   BYTE    hotkey shift state (as for INT 16/AH=02h)
 16h   WORD    hotkey scan code
 18h   WORD    program ID
Index: hotkeys;Back&Forth

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