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Int 11  - BIOS - Get Equipment List                                        [B]

Return: (E)AX = BIOS equipment list word (see below)

Note:  since older BIOSes do not know of the existence of EAX, the high word
     of EAX should be cleared before this call if any of the high bits
     will be tested

Bitfields for BIOS equipment list:
 bit 0 floppy disk(s) installed (see bits 6-7)
 bit 1 80x87 coprocessor installed
 bits 2,3 number of 16K banks of RAM on motherboard (PC only)
   number of 64K banks of RAM on motherboard (XT only)
 bit 2 pointing device installed (PS)
 bit 3 unused (PS)
 bits 4-5 initial video mode
   00 EGA, VGA, or PGA
   01 40x25 color
   10 80x25 color
   11 80x25 monochrome
 bits 6-7 number of floppies installed less 1 (if bit 0 set)
 bit 8 DMA support installed (PCjr, some Tandy 1000s, 1400LT)
 bits 9-11 number of serial ports installed
 bit 12    game port installed
 bit 13    serial printer attached (PCjr)
   internal modem installed (PC/Convertible)
 bits 14-15 number of parallel ports installed
---Compaq, Dell, and many other 386/486 machines--
 bit 23: page tables set so that Weitek coprocessor addressable in real mode
 bit 24: Weitek math coprocessor present
---Compaq Systempro---
 bit 25: internal DMA parallel port available
 bit 26: IRQ for internal DMA parallel port (if bit 25 set)
       0 = IRQ5
       1 = IRQ7
 bits 27,28: parallel port DMA channel
       00 DMA channel 0
       01 DMA channel 0 ???
       10 reserved
       11 DMA channel 3

See Also: INT 12

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson